Prognoses today for the behaviour of tomorrow

Date of publication: August 1, 1975

Author: Josef Stofer


Within the scope of the IHA method research programme we have endeavoured to develop a hypothesis under test which is capable of discerning continuous developments in the market, before these are measured in the form of buyers, or non buyers, as behaviour in the usual panels. Our hypothesis is intended to demonstrate gradually in the course of time how preferences arise or decline in relation to the analysed brands. The starting point in the case of our approach was the belief that changes in the preference structure, assuming that this is not impeded by such exogenous factors as, for example, distribution, display, etc., as a rule lead gradually and with a definite time lag to changes in behaviour, too. It is precisely with the introduction of new products that success should not necessarily be measured by the rising sales figures, if, however, sales figures are given relatively late, also what happens when the by no means unusual situation arises that the sales figures do not change at all? Does this mean that the campaign was a failure or that it should continue even longer until it has an effect on sales? Should the advertising therefore be intensified or are additional measures simply money down the drain? The new process, for which we have also conducted a pilot test, is intended to give an answer to these question.

Josef Stofer


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