Real to reel

Date of publication: November 16, 2016



Did you know that videos are shared 12 times more than links and text posts combined on Facebook? In a world where we live increasingly digitised lifestyles, where video on demand is increasingly the norm and our penchant for movies shows no sign of dissipating, we'd be fools to shy away from the reality that video is the format of choice today for anyone wanting to broadcast their content as effectively as possible and in ways that inspire genuine action. As qualitative researchers who work in the space between online and offline, we believe video is arguably the 'hottest' tool in our storytelling toolkit right now. This is our manifesto for the evolution of the role of video in qualitative research - in the 'sweet spot' between methodology and presentation tool.

Graeme Lawrence


This is a long description of some author details.

Sally Lewis


This is a long description of some author details.

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