The waking up of sleeping beauty flora by the kiss of prince researcher

Date of publication: June 15, 1991


A case history showing how a multifacetated methodology along with a close relation between research and marketing can contribute to strategic marketing decisions in the case of the salvation of a brand in an increasing competitive and changing market, as it is the case of the margarine and butter market in Portugal. The step by step, creative and flexible methodologies used to meet the several stages of the marketing decisions allowed the identification and diagnosis of the causes for the declining tendency and the research recommendations along with the marketing strategies succeeded in waking up and giving a new life to the brand Flora. This case history stems out from a set of five sequential research studies conducted between December 89 and May 90 that allowed the relaunch of the brand by the Autumn of 90. Combined efforts that imply a TRUE involvement of research in the marketing process and an open and confident attitude from marketing towards research can, at the proper time, find the best solution for a "condemned" brand.

Teresa Monjardino


This is a long description of some author details.

Graça Galamba


This is a long description of some author details.

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