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We worked closely with Eden Springs board ensuring we led transformation-through-insights at the highest level and encouraged a top-down change to affect the entire organisation.

Catalogue: Fusion 2018 (Big Data World + Global Qualitative)
Authors: Guy White, Jean-Marc Bolinger
November 11, 2018

Research papers

Pan-European crowd sourcing puts innovation back at the heart of Europe's #1 workplace water and coffee provider

We worked closely with Eden Springs board ensuring we led transformation-through-insights at the highest level and encouraged a top-down change to affect the entire organisation. Eden Springs needed a way to recapture the needs of the customer if...

Catalogue: Fusion 2018 (Big Data World + Global Qualitative)
Authors: Guy White, Jean-Marc Bolinger
November 11, 2018

Research papers

How netnography can be used to unlock the full potential of crowdsourcing contests

Until now crowdsourcing contests (idea generation via online platforms) and netnography (ethnography adapted to the internet) have been understood as two distinct approaches. A first example of an intertwined crowdsourcing/ netnography project, more...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2013: Brilliant Transformations
Authors: Gregor Jawecki, Susanne Mathis-Alig, Johannes Gebauer
November 20, 2013


How netnography can be used to unlock the full potential of crowdsourcing contests

Until now crowdsourcing contests (idea generation via online platforms) and netnography (ethnography adapted to the internet) have been understood as two distinct approaches. A first example of an intertwined crowdsourcing/ netnography project, more...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2013: Brilliant Transformations
Authors: Gregor Jawecki, Johannes Gebauer, Maria Fernández, Susanne Mathis-Alig
June 15, 2013

Research papers

Research getting a C-Suite seat

This paper reviews the Life Rhythm Knowledge Center case and demonstrates the approach used to build a knowledge center for Vodafone. The way research is to become more impactful is by building knowledge, not through single research projects or...

Catalogue: Congress 2011: Impact
Authors: Philip De Wulf, Nord van de Mosselaer
Company: Vodafone Group
September 18, 2011

Research papers

Axe skincare crowd innovation

With increasing pressure on budgets as a result of the deteriorating economic climate, brands are forced to look for new more cost effective solutions to age-old problems. This presentation will demonstrate how a combination of crowd-sourcing and...

Catalogue: Innovate 2010: Innovation Detonation
Authors: Andrew Needham, Philippa Rose, Saul Parker
Companies: Face, Unilever
November 16, 2010

Research papers

Designing relevance

The work carried out by Face and Nokia within the Relevance Programme is described in this paper. The authors show how a complex organization can respond to the challenges of rapid exponential change through open and agile approaches like...

Catalogue: Online Research 2010: E-Universe
Authors: Francesco D'Orazio, Esther Garland, Tom Crawford
Company: Face
October 19, 2010

Research papers

What online behavior reveals about digital culture

Digital culture has an increasingly visible impact on culture in general. Despite this, no vetted process exists for understanding digital culture or applying it to the development of marketing assets. For the past two years, the authors experimented...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Authors: Ellen Bird, Christian Kugel
Company: VivaKi
September 15, 2010

Research papers

Co-creating insights

Many brands over the years have talked the talk in terms of being a customer driven organisations, but this has often meant little more than brand teams attending a few customer immersion sessions and testing a few ideas in focus groups and through...

Catalogue: Consumer Insights 2009: The Pragmatic Approach
Authors: Andrew Needham, Philip McNaughton
Company: Face
February 11, 2009