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The results has been filter on Catalogues containing ESOMAR/ARF Worldwide Broadcast Audience Research Symposium 1992.
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Research papers

Defining television quality through audience reaction measures

This paper will report on findings from an experimental study, commissioned by the Independent Television Commission (ITC), which explored a number of techniques for assessing audience satisfaction with television in terms of the perceived quality...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF Worldwide Broadcast Audience Research Symposium 1992
Authors: Barrie Gunter, John Clemens, Mallory Wober
June 15, 1992

Research papers

Two practical market research tools for assessing the value of television advertising

This paper is in three parts, to be delivered in turn by the three speakers. First, we comment on the fact that the development of computing and of scanners has revolutionized both market and media research. We point out that the boundary between the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF Worldwide Broadcast Audience Research Symposium 1992
Authors: Steve Coffey, Valentine Appel, Timothy Joyce
Company: Nielsen
June 15, 1992

Research papers

The UK reach and frequency model

The basis of a reach and frequency analysis is a count of the number of commercial spots seen by each individual in an advertising schedule. When this analysis is constructed from a people meter panel that reports on a daily basis, the obvious start...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF Worldwide Broadcast Audience Research Symposium 1992
Author: Steve Wilcox
June 15, 1992

Research papers

Diaries VS people meters

The paper is divided in two parts. The first part compares the data generated by diaries and people meters in Canada. The comparison shows that both ratings systems generate data that is very similar in terms of general viewing behaviour. For...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF Worldwide Broadcast Audience Research Symposium 1992
Authors: Stan Staple, Chantal Mayrand
June 15, 1992

Research papers

Quality methods, quality results! An axiom

Since 1963 the U.S. Committee on Nationwide Television Audience Measurement (CONTAM) has engaged in methodological research. The purpose has been to understand and improve television audience measurement in order to increase the accuracy and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF Worldwide Broadcast Audience Research Symposium 1992
Author: Nicholas P. Schiavone
June 15, 1992

Research papers

Radio reach and frequency revisited after 25 years: Do quintile probabilities still produce accurate estimates?

Reach and Frequency Models have been actively utilized in the United States for the planning and buying of radio announcements since the 1968 introduction of "Radio’s New Math." Curves built in the late 60's allow users of the medium to predict...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF Worldwide Broadcast Audience Research Symposium 1992
Author: William E. Engel
June 15, 1992

Research papers

A new approach to the measure of children radio audience (9 to 14 years old)

In France, radio audience measurement for people 15 years old or more is pre-eminently carried out using Mediametrie's 75000 Survey, whose methodology is generally known and accepted. Mediametrie is both attentive to its market and eager to see...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF Worldwide Broadcast Audience Research Symposium 1992
Author: Fabrice Carlier
Company: Mediametrie
June 15, 1992

Research papers

An overview of the transition from diary-based television audience measurement to people meters in Australia and New Zealand, 1989-1991

This paper reconstructs the history of the introduction of People Meters to Australia and New Zealand during 1989-1991. The rival multinational People Meter operators invested heavily in the race to secure contracts to provide ratings services in the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF Worldwide Broadcast Audience Research Symposium 1992
Author: Terence W. Beed
June 15, 1992

Research papers

How differences between techniques affect the advertiser in Europe

The map of Europe is deceptively simple as far as TV measurement is concerned. The same technique (a panel equipped with electronic set and people meters) is used in every country, or will be by the end of the year, and only 2 companies, AGB and GFK,...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF Worldwide Broadcast Audience Research Symposium 1992
Author: Jane Perry
June 15, 1992