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Research papers

From glass half full to glass overflowing

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'}Our journey to better understand the impact of advertising dollars on sales beyond the short run. Operating on a hunch, we ventured to harness the wealth of customer perception data...

Catalogue: Congress 2019: The Global Data & Insights Summit
Authors: Robert Graves, Bernard Brenner, Akaash Nanda
Company: Microsoft
September 8, 2019

Research papers

Optimising ROI on social media

Up to 85% of brand generated social media posts are wasted. With digital advertising approaching 50% of all advertising expenditure, we need to go beyond clicks and likes as a measure of ROI on social media expenditure. Through machine learning, a...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2019
Author: Colin Ingram
Company: Kantar
May 22, 2019

Research papers

Radio advertising expenditure

This paper presents a comparison of the radio landscape and radio advertising in European countries. The commercial radio landscape in Europe varies considerably from country to country, ranging from Sweden where there is no commercial radio to Italy...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF Worldwide Broadcast Audience Research Symposium 1992
Authors: Flemming Hansen, Lars Grønholdt
June 15, 1992

Research papers

The value of incremental reach

Advertisers desire accountability for their media expenditures. Information Resources Inc. (IRI) findings and other studies highlight that a critical variable in explaining sales is prior brand purchase. Secondly, reaching more of the brand target...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF Worldwide Broadcast Audience Research Symposium 1992
Author: Howard Kamin
June 15, 1992

Research papers

The expansion of broadcast media in the Netherlands: Effects on the advertising expenditures

In consumer markets, predictions of the demand for new products are often made using intention surveys. The applications of intention surveys on industrial markets, however, are rather limited. This study shows, how an intention survey can be applied...

Catalogue: Seminar 1991: The Expansion of Broadcast Media
Authors: Karel Jan Alsem, Jan C. Reuyl
June 15, 1991

Research papers

Research for free publications

This paper is divided into four parts. The first part provides a brief overview of the free publication market which in the UK represents an estimated 30% of print advertising expenditure, dominated by controlled circulation business titles and local...

Catalogue: Seminar 1991: Publishing For An Optimal Product
Author: Nigel Jacklin
June 15, 1991

Research papers

Causes of advertising expenditure variations in Sweden 1975-1987

Advertising expenditure in traditional media has risen faster than inflation during the period of analysis, with the exception of 1980 and 1981. Surveys and analyses show that expenditure in direct mail and various forms of sales promotion were about...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Author: Tomas Gröndal
September 1, 1989

Research papers

Competitive advertising effectiveness

The papers describes the techniques used, both in medical and in other fields. It shows how advertising effectiveness can be related to advertising expenditure on a time series basis, so that strategic action can be taken to deal with competitive...

Catalogue: EPHMRA/ESOMAR Seminar 1985: Pharmaceutical Competitor Analysis
Author: Peter J. Hayes
February 27, 1985

Research papers

TV viewing survey and forecast

The advertiser's concern is to maximize the profitability of his advertising investment. Television tine slot selection several months before actual airing of a campaign is made difficult and uncertain due to quick fluctuations in the audiences. This...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1981: Research For Profitability
Authors: Ghislaine De Cagny, Yves-Charles Quéroix
August 1, 1981