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Research papers

Education in marketing for the non-specialist

It has become increasingly apparent over the last few years that many people who become involved in the marketing process are not themselves specialists in this field and indeed as a subject it is on the periphery of their main interests. In the...

Catalogue: Workshop 1976: Educating The Effective Marketing Decision Makers
Author: John Mckenzie
June 1, 1976

Research papers

Indigenous European marketing

The identification of Europe's indigenous needs is best pursued by taking education outside the walls of the academy into a pattern of custom-built learning, which is determined to change behaviour as well as simply purvey knowledge. Rather than seek...

Catalogue: Workshop 1976: Educating The Effective Marketing Decision Makers
Author: Gordon S.C. Wills
June 1, 1976

Research papers

The market research society diploma scheme

The Market Research Society has regarded education as one of its major responsibilities ever since it was founded, and each year a major program of activities is organised which range from basic introductory courses in market research generally...

Catalogue: Workshop 1976: Educating The Effective Marketing Decision Makers
Author: John Davis
June 1, 1976

Research papers

Managing executive development programs

The objective of this paper is to specify, collect and classify the steps to be followed in designing, implementing and evaluating an Executive Development Program. The authors view the subject from a distinctly pragmatic viewpoint which is based on...

Catalogue: Workshop 1976: Educating The Effective Marketing Decision Makers
Authors: Fred Wechsler, Sergio Barraza Picone
June 1, 1976

Research papers

On the teaching of effective decision making in marketing

In this paper a study will be described which attempts to investigate certain behavioral dimensions of decision making. The study consists in part of an experimental design employing a problem- solving and decision-making marketing task within the...

Catalogue: Workshop 1976: Educating The Effective Marketing Decision Makers
Authors: Eric Langeard, J. P. Leonardi, R. A. Peterson
June 1, 1976

Research papers

Teaching consumer behaviour in Europe

The paper examines some of the problems involved in teaching consumer behavior in management education programs in Europe. These stem in large measure from the current embryonic stage of research in consumer behavior in Europe, which make it...

Catalogue: Workshop 1976: Educating The Effective Marketing Decision Makers
Authors: Susan P. Douglas, Bernard Dubois
June 1, 1976

Research papers

Recent experiences in Belgian marketing education

The following papers describe two experiences in the field of marketing education. Both programs were initiated by the Center for Productivity and Research from the University of Ghent. The first paper comments the program in which public officers...

Catalogue: Workshop 1976: Educating The Effective Marketing Decision Makers
Authors: Jacques De Rijcke, R. Duyck
June 1, 1976

Research papers

Toward marketing development or alternative strategies in managerial marketing education

The function of marketing education for managers is to bridge the gap which exists between theoretical concepts and practical application/implementation. In this connection, the didactic structure of the educational process is of much importance and...

Catalogue: Workshop 1976: Educating The Effective Marketing Decision Makers
Author: A. P. van Gent
June 1, 1976

Research papers

Marketing education for small business

This paper sets out to both examine some of the particular and peculiar needs of the small business sector as well as mapping a plea for changed attitudes among marketing (and other) educators.

Catalogue: Workshop 1976: Educating The Effective Marketing Decision Makers
Author: A. H. Davies
June 1, 1976