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Research papers

The New Era of Innovation

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is transforming nearly every industry, and new product development is no exception. From creating more realistic consumer personas (Smith & Johnson, 2020), to analysing vast amounts of data and to...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2024
Authors: Nikolai Reynolds, Jiongming Mu
Company: IPSOS
November 19, 2024


The New Era of Innovation

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is transforming nearly every industry, and new product development is no exception. From creating more realistic consumer personas (Smith & Johnson, 2020), to analysing vast amounts of data and to...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2024
Authors: Nikolai Reynolds, Jiongming Mu
November 19, 2024

Research papers

Unlocking the Secrets of Agile Information

Mars Wrigley has embarked on a journey to enhance its portfolio with healthier options that cultivate people?s need for more physical, emotional and social resilience. To develop this health and well-being strategy, they combined foundational and...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2023 - Innovation
Authors: Thomas Troch, Selma van t Hul
Companies: Human8, Mars Wrigley
November 27, 2023


Unlocking the Secrets of Agile Information

Mars Wrigley has embarked on a journey to enhance its portfolio with healthier options that cultivate people?s need for more physical, emotional and social resilience. To develop this health and well-being strategy, they combined foundational and...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2023 - Innovation
Authors: Thomas Troch, Selma van t Hul
November 27, 2023

Research papers

Vodafones Innovation Research Revolution

Vodafone is undoubtedly an innovative company. It employs thousands of technology experts and product managers, generating hundreds of ideas every year?and with a market of 300 million customers worldwide, there are plenty of people to sell them to....

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2023 - Innovation
Authors: Leigh Caldwell, Lizzi Seear
Company: Irrational Agency
November 22, 2023

Research papers

New Technologies Call for Discussion

We live in a time of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity). It is difficult to predict the future as an extension of the present, because so many things happen that are impossible to predict. Who could have predicted the COVID-19...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2023 - Innovation
Author: Noriko Kishida
November 22, 2023

Research papers

Creating a Better Everyday Life

IKEA aims to create a better everyday life for customers by creating home furnishing products that fulfil their needs, dreams, and frustrations. Since the 1970s, IKEA has visited real customers? homes to better understand their everyday lives...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Eva Carin Banka Johnson, Stefan Vukjcevic, Terje Nilstun
September 29, 2023


Creating a Better Everyday Life

IKEA aims to create a better everyday life for customers by creating home furnishing products that fulfil their needs, dreams, and frustrations. Since the 1970s, IKEA has visited real customers? homes to better understand their everyday lives...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Eva Carin Banka Johnson, Stefan Vukjcevic, Terje Nilstun
September 29, 2023


Collaboration to win: Agile insights approaches

Consumers have changed this year. But getting a handle on what your target audience wanted and needed a few months ago is not enough to make safe assumptions for new product development today. Why? Because they're constantly changing in the face of...

Catalogue: Latin America 2020 - Insights Festival
Authors: Renata Bendit, Sara Rodriguez
Companies: Toluna, Colgate-Palmolive
October 19, 2020