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Research tends to avoid heavy issues and conversations, resulting in weak insights and toxic positivity. If a respondent is going through something heavy, they tend to be excluded. Asking questions about dark times and contentious cultural issues is...

Catalogue: Congress 2024
Authors: Ian Pierpoint, Adam Talkington
October 1, 2024


The Winged Goddess of Victory

In writing this paper, we were challenged to start it with a clear statement of purpose. What was the business issue being solved, and as a result of this work, what impact did the project deliver? So, right from the start, we faced a problem. There...

Catalogue: Congress 2024
Authors: Melanie Castro-Kelly, Kristin Hickey
October 1, 2024


Social cooling

As oil lead to Global Warming, data leads to Social Cooling. Comparing these two problems is not just intended as a warning. It offers hope, a blueprint for how to deal with this issue, and a deeper understanding of what it means to be human in our...

Catalogue: Fusion 2018 (Big Data World + Global Qualitative)
Author: Tijmen Schep
November 11, 2018


The death of polls?

Opinion polls and electoral polls were subject to intense scrutiny and criticism in the wake of the 2016 experience, followed by renewed confidence in the first months of 2017. Polling firms are facing up to the current challenges and reports of the...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Author: Henri Wallard
Company: Ipsos MRBI
September 23, 2018


Research disaster movies

This interactive session takes a candid look at some of the disastrous things than can go wrong when running a research project and the things you need to know to avoid featuring in a research disaster movie of your own making.

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Author: Jon Puleston
September 23, 2018


Supplier-client collaboration make MR better place

As in everywhere in the world, the relationship between Japan MR suppliers and clients has always been the same. Clients put issues on the table to call for solutions, suppliers develop and provide solutions, and clients assess to see if they are...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2018: Data Research Insights Vision Excellence
Author: Naoki Takahashi
Company: Nissan Motor Co.
May 13, 2018


Research World (February 2018)

The world is in turmoil. Hyperbole or reality? As we look back on 2017, it is difficult to characterise the state of things as anything but turmoil–and experts interviewed in this issue would agree. But, if this is the case, what then is the...

Catalogue: Research World 2018
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
February 1, 2018


The challenges that the Chinese market brings to the auto financing company

An insight into some of the business challenges that we have encountered in trying to develop a rapidly growing Auto Financing Company in China, particularly in an environment of increasing legislative compliance and a changing customer demographic.

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2017: Discoveries
Author: Brian Williams
December 4, 2017


Cracking New Zealand's growing student loan debt problem

In 2011, New Zealand's student loan scheme faced an uncertain future. Government Ministers placed mounting pressure on Inland Revenue (IR) to rectify a rapidly growing debt problem caused by borrowers who had moved overseas and were not making loan...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Keith Taylor, Jocelyn Rout
November 7, 2017