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Research papers

The agony and ecstasy of teaching an old dog new tricks

This article has briefly surveyed some of ways in which market research organisations need to adapt their mindsets to stay relevant in the modern insight pipeline and data dispensation, as facilitated through technology. Thus, this article has...

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Author: Kyle Findlay
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
November 20, 2017

Research papers

Helping introverts open up

This paper is divided into two parts; the first part (after defining the variables) explores the impact of introversion and extroversion on perceptions of self and life for the mentioned personalities; how they differ in their ways of looking at...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2017: Back to the future
Authors: Arfa Syed, Tooba Kamil
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
November 10, 2017

Research papers

Blink of an eye

This paper will talk about my learnings and give simple solutions to several analytical and technical challenges faced by most mid-sided companies working in the insights and strategy sphere- companies that don't have the kind of large-scale IT...

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Author: Preriit Souda
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
November 10, 2017

Research papers

Why visionary researchers must embrace their inner comedian

We live in an age where a counselor to the Leader of the Free World has defended the White House spokesman's use of Alternative Facts, where Fake News is alleged to have affected the outcome of elections, and the contested notion of a Post-Truth era...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Will Goodhand, Stephen Carlin
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
September 4, 2017

Research papers

Can chairs talk?

This paper illustrates how we had to be agile and push the boundaries- yet in doing so we were able to reshape the client's long term strategies.Using a combination of Image Mining and Text Analytics to decipher relative strength of fast growing...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Preriit Souda, Chiara Davanzo Zamarian
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
September 4, 2017

Research papers

Social media meets Artificial Intelligence

How to extract valuable insights from a noisy medium such as Twitter? Our approach is to use artificial intelligence to extract semantic features from the data. Once these features are extracted we can use machine learning techniques to extract...

Catalogue: Latin America 2017: #IN
Authors: Horacio Gonzalez, Moisés Arizpe, Jorge Alagon, Horacio González Duhart
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
June 15, 2017

Research papers

Business opportunities in an unexplored market

The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate that traditional market research won't necessarily function in Cuba. Rather, in this recently opened market, strategic research processes should begin by understanding the country's social context....

Catalogue: Latin America 2017: #IN
Authors: Fernando Alvarez, Francisco Cabral
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
June 15, 2017

Research papers

Gender bias in brands and business

Businesses and brands have an opportunity to grow market share by better meeting the need of both genders. However, it can be challenging to identify the opportunities when gender bias, particularly unconscious gender bias, obscures them. This paper...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2017: Discoveries
Authors: Amy Fridlund, Nikki Feld
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
May 9, 2017

Research papers

Artificial Intelligence algorithms

This paper will illustrate how AI algorithms on big data sources (social media, search, e-commerce, Internet of Things, Mobile data) can be developed and applied for transforming consumer insights and marketing programs. This transformation will be...

Catalogue: Big Data World 2016: Understanding People Through Smart Data
Author: Sunando Das
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
November 18, 2016