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The results has been filter on Tags containing Cultural Differences.
ANA has found 147 results for you, in 226 ms.
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The Others

?The other? is an important concept in both linguistics and social sciences, encompassing the complex dynamics of identity, exclusion and cultural interactions. Identity is a product of the interaction that individuals encounter in their family and...

Catalogue: Congress 2024
Authors: Hellas Saltavarea, Pervin Olgun, Katerina Konstantinou, Sevgi Gul
October 1, 2024


Research papers

Ending Period Shaming in East Africa, and Beyond, for Good

The impact of shame on women and girls is a complex and multi-faceted issue that is at the core of thisresearch paper. How does shame touch the lives of girls and women? Does it have lasting repercussionsbeyond the initial experience of feeling or...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Authors: Amelie Truffert, Rhonda Fontaine, Paul Drawbridge
Company: Ordinary Differences
September 23, 2022



How to catch liars before they lie

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'}Would you be curious to learn how memes dramatically improve the survey data quality? Our research on the use of memes in surveys to improve respondent honesty, to encourage more...

Catalogue: Congress 2019: The Global Data & Insights Summit
Author: Kristen Ball
Company: Kantar
September 8, 2019


The rules of the game

Key findings from new research that provides insights on the practical application of gamification techniques, particularly in APAC, are highlighted in this paper. The authors explore how differing cultural tendencies might affect someone's...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2017: Discoveries
Authors: April (Fanpan) Zeng, Jennifer Serrano, Pete Cape
Company: Research Now SSI
December 4, 2017

Research papers

The rules of the game

Key findings from new research that provides insights on the practical application of gamification techniques, particularly in APAC, are highlighted in this paper. The authors explore how differing cultural tendencies might affect someone's...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2017: Discoveries
Authors: Jennifer Serrano, Pete Cape
Company: Research Now SSI
May 9, 2017

Research papers

New visions

Luxottica used research to help them to understand the barriers behind the resistance and what actions could overcome them. China, India and Brazil were identified as key countries that would help understand barriers and identify actions. The overall...

Catalogue: Congress 2016: #WOW
Authors: Simona Sbarbaro, Giuseppe Tonolini
September 22, 2016

Research papers

The joy of research

Global brands are increasingly facing the challenge of gaining relevance in local cultures. While a ‘glocal’ approach seems the natural way to go, in reality, mapping local regions and developing a strategic approach for each while...

Catalogue: Congress 2016: #WOW
Authors: Adelina Vaca, Leticia Chárraga
September 22, 2016