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The results has been filter on Catalogues containing ESOMAR Worldwide Advertising Conference 2000.
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Research papers

Understanding youth

Young consumers have always been a difficult audience to researchbecause first, they are difficult to reach using traditional researchmethods, and secondly, they are often not as expressive as adults incommunicating their opinions. This said, the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Worldwide Advertising Conference 2000
Authors: John Geraci, Peter Silsbee, Sarah Fauth, Jennifer Campbell
Company: Harris Interactive (Europe)
November 1, 2000

Research papers

Millennial mediavores

The authors? experience suggested that using traditionally broad mediagroupings could limit the effectiveness of a media recommendation. Thisis increasingly becoming of major concern as the media options for under24-year-olds flourish and the same...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Worldwide Advertising Conference 2000
Authors: Briar Harland, Alana Storey
November 1, 2000

Research papers

Maximizing internet advertising efficiency

Everybody counts 30-day cume audience, or Reach, in website tracking.These estimates indicate the number of unique individuals who could bereached at the site, but fails to describe the audience actually reached byany particular advertising campaign....

Catalogue: ESOMAR Worldwide Advertising Conference 2000
Authors: Steve Coffey, Lisa Sharkis
November 1, 2000

Research papers

Internet advertising effectiveness

This paper highlights how internet advertising works and how itcontributes to brand building. The author reviews the value of differentonline advertising formats ranging from banner and sponsorship to richmedia. The current challenges and potentials...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Worldwide Advertising Conference 2000
Author: Laurent Florès
Company: Ipsos MRBI
November 1, 2000

Research papers

The lifetime value of advertising

This paper outlines the database and methodology used to provide greaterdepth in modeling the volume effect of advertising and reports the direction of initial findings from this work. The efforts are focused onquantifying the long-term effects of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Worldwide Advertising Conference 2000
Author: Steve Kingsbury
November 1, 2000

Research papers

Is my advertising building brand equity?

This paper is based on experiences learned and techniques used incontinuous brand and advertising tracking studies conducted over thepast five years in North America and Brazil. It includes specific case studyexamples of how advertising campaigns...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Worldwide Advertising Conference 2000
Authors: Rosana Couto, Leda Kayano, Tom Gallagher
November 1, 2000

Research papers

Woo me, woo my family... Marry me, marry my family

The Middle East epitomises collective behaviour. This is beautifullycaptured in a traditional saying 'it takes a village to raise a child'. This isincreasingly true of Saudi Arabia, one of the most populous countries inthe Middle East. While most...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Worldwide Advertising Conference 2000
Author: Suma Ravi
Company: Nielsen
November 1, 2000

Research papers

I did not hear you the fist time

This paper demonstrates the use of econometrics in the researchenvironment. Traditional media econometrics has used a decayed TVRapproach to account for the effects of advertising. This has helped deliverquantification, and in some instances the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Worldwide Advertising Conference 2000
Authors: Tim Foley, Chris Mee
Companies: integral, OmnicomMediaGroup,
November 1, 2000

Research papers

Keep your hands off my wallet until you get into my life

This paper is devoted to exploring the range of ethnographic techniques.In particular, it shows their capacity to penetrate the inner space ofrelationships between consumers, their mindsets and brands.The ethnographic approach is a way to gain a deep...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Worldwide Advertising Conference 2000
Authors: Cecília Russo, Jaime Troiano
November 1, 2000