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Revue Française du Marketing (Décembre 2016)

Pour ce numéro 258 de la Revue Française du Marketing, nous avonsretenu quatre articles traitant de sujets très différents, certains couvrant desdomaines déjà explorés en leur apportant un regard nouveau, d' autres ouvrant...

Catalogue: ADETEM: Revue Française du Marketing
Author: ADETEM
Company: ADETEM
December 1, 2016

Research papers

Concerning the increasing quantity of data supplied for a market survey

This document describes a new method of selecting variables based on the data theory. It appears, indeed, that every day we are faced with prolific data some of which, individually, or in combinations, could be ignored without detriment to the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1972: Marketing In A Changing World
Authors: Jean Paul Aimetti, Jean Luis Brousse
June 15, 1972

Research papers

Concerning the increasing quantity of data supplied for a market survey (French)

This document describes a new method of selecting variables based on the data theory. It appears, indeed, that every day we are faced with prolific data some of which, individually, or in combinations, could be ignored without detriment to the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1972: Marketing In A Changing World
Authors: Jean Paul Aimetti, Jean Luis Brousse
June 15, 1972

Research papers

Entropics methods and typological analysis

Perhaps one of the more fascinating aspects of taxonomy - of classification, that is, seen as a formation rather than as the identification of classes - consists in gradual research by "sifting", known as analysis of the latent structure, with the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1972: Segmentation And Typology
Author: Giorgio Visintini
Company: DOXA
June 15, 1972