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Research papers

The logic of models in market research

From the definition of market research, we see that the explicit formulation of the hypotheses , and their formalisation in a "model", constitute a very important guide to the observation or picking out of the data; and they provide a useful frame of...

Catalogue: The European Marketing Research Review 1966
Author: Pietro Gennaro
August 1, 1966

Research papers

Test marketing renewed in the test

Test marketing is a very wide-spread marketing term today. However, because it is seldom clearly understood, it is continually leading to misunderstandings. Frequently, one speaks of test marketing methods when one generally means scientific market...

Catalogue: The European Marketing Research Review 1966
Author: Hans-Jörg Besmer
August 1, 1966

Research papers

Some unusual sampling experiences in human systems problems

Sampling theory is well developed and well known. The most satisfactory methods are also simple. Unfortunately the theoretically sound and simple methods can seldom be applied in practice in sampling human population. It is often impossible to find...

Catalogue: The European Marketing Research Review 1966
Author: Leslie Wilkins
August 1, 1966

Research papers

How useful is proposition testing?

Arguments about proposition testing tend to generate much warmth but relatively little light. The situation remains confused. Among advertisers there is a whole spectrum of views, ranging from firm belief to total disillusionment. Most agency and...

Catalogue: The European Marketing Research Review 1966
Author: Stephen King
August 1, 1966

Research papers

The interview: "Weakest link in the survey chain"

The survey organisations have tried to make the interviewer as neutral as possible. In order to eliminate the impact of any one interviewer, his conduct is subject to a number of strict rules. So long as the influence of the interviewer cannot be...

Catalogue: The European Marketing Research Review 1966
Author: Sebastian Herkommer
August 1, 1966

Research papers

Market research in Eastern Europe

It is interesting to note that market research in all Eastern European countries has gone through similar stages of development. It began with simple household panels, followed by larger retail traders' panels and then became market research proper.

Catalogue: The European Marketing Research Review 1966
Author: Paul Zieber
August 1, 1966

Research papers

What the market researchers would like to ask the mathematicians

Although exhaustive answers to these twelve questions, and their practical application would considerably widen the above-mentioned bottleneck, new problems must be reckoned with on the way. The questions themselves do not always apply/ or do not...

Catalogue: The European Marketing Research Review 1966
Author: Theodor Harder
August 1, 1966

Research papers

Long-range weather forecasting (3 years) and its application to market research

In the industrial field, which has been interested in this work since the foundation of the S.C.E.A.M., the applications of these weather forecasts bring to market research the meteorological factor which it had lacked until then, and which disturbs...

Catalogue: The European Marketing Research Review 1966
Authors: René Viart, Henri Roquetanifere
August 1, 1966

Research papers

Measuring and measurables in purchasing decisions

An attempt has been made in this article - after introductory critical considerations about the lack of reliable and valid investigations into the techniques now in use in market research - to discuss two scales which have been made use of for...

Catalogue: The European Marketing Research Review 1966
Authors: L. K. Neffe, Maria Rita Girardi, Herbert Steiner
August 1, 1966