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Research papers

Best of both worlds?

Online access panels have enabled cheap survey research to proliferate in the past decade. However, the results obtained from these convenience panels can be biased and unrepresentative due to the sampling methods employed. Sample matching against a...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Authors: Pete Doe, Robert Smith
Company: Nielsen
September 26, 2013

Research papers

A powerful mix

This paper describes the process used to create a data fusion between the Nielsen Media Research US National Peoplemeter sample and the Nielsen/NetRatings NetView panel, to create a database of TV viewing and Internet use.The paper analyzes findings...

Catalogue: Worldwide Multi Media Measurement 2006
Authors: Pete Doe, Christian Kugel
Company: Nielsen
June 4, 2006

Research papers

E pluribus unum

This paper describes the efforts undertaken by Nielsen Outdoor to create an audience measurement system, based on GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) technology, capable of meeting the commercial and research needs of the U.S. outdoor industry. It...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Outdoor/Out-of-Home
Authors: Pete Doe, Ian Garland
Company: Nielsen
June 20, 2005