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Research papers

Developments in youth tourism in recent decades and their impact on the youth hostel movement In Europe

The Youth Hostel movement had become world-wide by the 1960’s. It had at this time a near monopoly of organised international Budget Youth Tourism, on the basis of providing simple accommodation without frills for travelling youth. At some time...

Catalogue: Seminar 1991: Travel And Tourism Transition
Authors: John Parfitt, Andrew Chinneck
June 15, 1991

Research papers

Developing a rounder tea

This project provides an unusually clear insight into the way in which an aesthetic benefit can add to the perceived quality of a commodity product like tea. It also shows the way in which an ad-hoc panel can be used to provide reliable pre-launch...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1990: Using Research For Marketing In The 90's
Authors: Ian Prutton, John Parfitt, Adam Phillips
September 1, 1990

Research papers

Advertising effectiveness and marketing productivity where the market cannot afford too much electronic wizardry: The experience of creating and running a single source panel in India

Electronic technology has introduced the personal TV meter and product pack scanning and other devices into sophisticated measurement of advertising and product purchasing. The costs are too high for the methodology to be used in many countries and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1988
Authors: Debi Prokash Basu, John Parfitt
September 1, 1988

Research papers

The central Adlab experience with single source data

The AdLab Panel was set up in the Central TV area of England in September 1985 after a pilot study. By June 1987 it had been running for 21 months. The experience of the first year’s operations is contained within the attached summary paper....

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Improving The Use Of Consumer Panels For Marketing Decisions
Author: John Parfitt
June 15, 1987

Research papers

Panel research

This chapter is concerned with panels. Like so many common English words placed in a market research context, its special research meaning is entirely familiar to the practitioners and confusing to the layman. Its nearest common meaning is a list of...

Catalogue: Consumer Market Research Handbook
Author: John Parfitt
August 1, 1986

Research papers

Summing up

Conclusion of the Seminar on The Effective Use of Panels.

Catalogue: Seminar 1982: The Effective Use Of Panels
Author: John Parfitt
June 15, 1982

Research papers


Marketing research is a fundamental part of marketing within TRIUMPH INTERNATIONAL and was already operating in the early fifties. From the very beginning consumer panel activities played an important role within our German TRIUMPH company and -...

Catalogue: Seminar 1982: The Effective Use Of Panels
Authors: Heinrich Pemsel, John Parfitt
June 15, 1982

Research papers

Determining optimum pricing in closed universe prediction panels

The examples in this paper are drawn from one example of 'closed universe panels' ie. Sharescale Panels, which are set up on an ad hoc basis to measure particular product fields, usually to test the effect that a new brand might have in that field....

Catalogue: Seminar 1982: The Effective Use Of Panels
Author: John Parfitt
June 15, 1982

Research papers

Panel prediction techniques

The paper discusses the reasons why Consumer Panels are among the research techniques considered to be likely to lead in terms of future growth in market research, notably in relation to specialist Panels, increased practical sophistication of data...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1980: Taking Stock
Authors: John Parfitt, Reg Clay
Company: Colgate-Palmolive
September 1, 1980