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Research papers

A new method for measuring advertising effectiveness

For scientific elaboration of a media plan, planners have at their disposal audience surveys giving the numbers and characteristics of the readers, listeners or viewers. In order to optimize a media plan, information is necessary not only on the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1965: Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
Authors: Daniel Adam, John Parfitt
June 15, 1965

Research papers

Can a correlation of advertising to sales be demonstrated?

The title of this talk is "can a correlation of advertising to sales be demonstrated?" It will have some resemblance to the Edward Albee play "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf". That is, the title poses a question which the author has no intention of...

Catalogue: Seminar 1965: Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
Author: Charles Einer Anderson
June 15, 1965

Research papers

Influence of method by measuring identification and image of advertisements

After lasting preliminary studies, since January 1962 the Research Institute of the "Schweizerische Gesellschaft fllr Marktforschung" is carrying out a periodical post-testing survey, the GfM-TREND. Thus, till now about 30 ,000 interviews have been...

Catalogue: Seminar 1965: Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
Author: Peter Smolensky
June 15, 1965

Research papers

Misunderstandings between advertising research men and creative men

Satisfactory results that are obtained from good cooperation between advertising researchers and creative men are only possible if there are really congenial partners on either side who respect each other both professionally and personally. It is...

Catalogue: Seminar 1965: Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
Authors: Gunther Komp, Heinz Alpers, Paul Howard Berent
June 15, 1965

Research papers

Should advertisements be "believable" or "convincing"?

"Importance" and "believability" rank highest in Alfred Politz' scale of what is efficient advertising, with "uniqueness" in third position. Now, if the relationship between these three criteria is in fact of the kind Politz stated, then the exact...

Catalogue: Seminar 1965: Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
Author: Wolfgang Schaefer
June 15, 1965

Research papers

Advertisements as a research subject

There may be several reasons for this. Turnover in the advertising industry goes into thousands of millions and the production and placing of advertisements represents the biggest and, proportionately still increasing item in the total expenditure of...

Catalogue: Seminar 1965: Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
Author: Otto Walter Haseloff
June 15, 1965

Research papers

The integration of advertising research

The investigation of consumer penetration factors which can be said to be associated with advertising, and the buying of products, are familiar subjects. They are perhaps less familiar to us when studied in relation to advertising expenditure (which...

Catalogue: Seminar 1965: Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
Authors: R. D. Godwin, B. Thorogood
June 15, 1965

Research papers

The Delta Copy Test

We decided to improve the diagnostic and prognostic value of our copy tests and conducted a number of experiments which measured the effect of advertising in terms of changes of attitudes towards the advertising product or service. The Delta Copy...

Catalogue: Seminar 1965: Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
Author: Otto W. Rohde
June 15, 1965

Research papers

Red herrings in advertising research

Much of the advertising research being carried out today defines - whether explicitly or implicitly - the effectiveness of an advertisement in terms of memorability , believability or other factors. Such advertising research is based on assumptions...

Catalogue: Seminar 1965: Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
Author: Paul Howard Berent
June 15, 1965