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Research papers

New market research mobile app to facilitate new product development & innovation, a start-up from USA, wanted to launch a social media mobile app. Being techie, they already had a product in mind and wanted to directly go into MPV Phase. The challenge was to show the value and contribution of an exploratory phase...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Smart Data Lab
Authors: Kaustuv Mukherjee, Shawn (Sreejit) Roy
November 4, 2019

Research papers

New market research mobile app to facilitate new product development & innovation, a start-up from USA, wanted to launch a social media mobile app. Being techie, they already had a product in mind and wanted to directly go into MPV Phase. The challenge was to show the value and contribution of an exploratory phase...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2018: Data Research Insights Vision Excellence
Authors: Kaustuv Mukherjee, Shawn (Sreejit) Roy
May 13, 2018

Case studies

Effective communication through market research

Along with the process of change that has recently occurred to the pharmaceutical industry, in some cases, traditional communication ways have not been as effective as in the past. This occurs due to an increase in costs and, also, because of the...

Catalogue: Global Healthcare 2008: Consumer Choice
Authors: Fábio Henrique Garcia Boscatti, André Hisao Muranaka
Company: Roche
February 4, 2008

Research papers

Always on

Responding to a call by a major consumer electronics company to accelerate the pace and quality of product development, J Walter Thompson (Detroit) and Moskowitz Jacobs Inc. (New York) developed a new paradigm. The paradigm incorporates current as...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2001: Marketing Transformation
Authors: Howard R. Moskowitz, Jeffrey Ewald
Company: Moskowitz Jacobs Inc.
September 23, 2001

Research papers

What I expect from my research department

What I would want from my Research Department is by definition dictated by what my company expects from market/consumer research. The key words in this respect are:- relevant- reliable- valid- cost effective research on the right time.

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Author: J. Ben F. Morel
Company: Unilever
September 1, 1989

Research papers

Horse racing sponsorship

The choice of horse racing sponsorship can solve the problem of being in touch with the most difficult target: the wealthy. The cost effectiveness of this operation is, by large, at the top of the scale. That's why it seemed worthwhile to consider...

Catalogue: Seminar 1985: Below-The-Line And Sponsoring
Authors: Tino Biglia, Ruggero Mazzini
November 6, 1985

Research papers

Evaluating promotions cost effectively

This paper describes how a programme of research based around a novel means of collecting data has enabled Heinz to optimise its performance in the promotions area and develop a framework within which the performance of specific promotions can be...

Catalogue: Seminar 1985: Below-The-Line And Sponsoring
Authors: Marc Drake, Mike Sargent
Companies: KANTAR TNS Malaysia, Kraft Heinz Company
November 6, 1985

Research papers

An assessment of micro-behavioural modelling and its cost effectiveness

The paper argues the flexibility and versatility of this approach to modelling in terms of scale, scope, type of marketing problem and type of product field. Six case histories are cited, ranging from a simple use of Trade Off as an input to a...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1978: Value For Money In Market And Social Research
Authors: M. M. Blackston, J. A. Lunn
September 1, 1978

Research papers

Estimating the cost effectiveness of advertising

I have taken you through our decision process by which we arrive at an advertising budget. On the way we have checked out the total business, developed the basic business strategy, supported the development of an appropriate marketing strategy, and...

Catalogue: Seminar 1978: The Business Of Advertising
Author: Malcolm A. McNiven
June 1, 1978