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Research papers

Embracing the Avalanche of Change

Predicting, particularly when it is about the future, is difficult; This was the rather quizzical comment oncemade by Nobel Laureate Niels Bohr. In our world, which is experiencing greater volatility, uncertainty,complexity and ambiguity (?VUCA?),...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Authors: David Smith, Adam Riley
Companies: DVL Smith Ltd, Decision Architects
September 23, 2022


Embracing the Avalanche of Change

Predicting, particularly when it is about the future, is difficult; This was the rather quizzical comment oncemade by Nobel Laureate Niels Bohr. In our world, which is experiencing greater volatility, uncertainty,complexity and ambiguity (?VUCA?),...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
September 23, 2022

Research papers

Macroanalysis of the international pharmaceutical industry

With the increasingly international nature of the pharmaceutical industry, market researchers are faced with the task of analysing companies and product sectors that are exposed to a wide variety of operating conditions. Whether conducting analysis...

Catalogue: EPHMRA/ESOMAR Seminar 1985: Pharmaceutical Competitor Analysis
Author: Steve-Michael Plag
February 27, 1985