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Research papers

New Worlds Need New Words

We know change needs to happen. Sustainability is no longer sustainable. It doesn't provide us with thetools to repair the damage that has already been done. We know that a reciprocal relationship betweenpeople and planet must sit at the heart of...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Authors: Fiona McNae, Cato Hunt, Julius Colwyn, Anouk Bergner, Sui Lai Kang
Company: Space Doctors Ltd
September 26, 2022

Research papers

Human-centric Innovation...On the Edge

To develop "experiential snacking" solutions, Mars Wrigley looked for inspiration at the edge, by teaming upwith leading-edge change-makers, looking for emergent semiotic codes that take us to the edge and gettinginspired by an edgy crowd of global...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Authors: Nicole Umana, Thomas Troch
Companies: InSites Consulting, Mars Wrigley
September 23, 2022

Research papers

Becoming a World's First! Making Carbon Neutrality a Reality

Maple Leaf Foods (MLF), Canada?s largest prepared meats and poultry producer, is on a mission to be the mostsustainable protein company on Earth; but how should they communicate this? What messages and claimswould be relevant and believable to...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Authors: Amy Knowles, Darlene Macdonald
Companies: RESEARCH STRATEGY GROUP Inc, Maple Leaf Foods
September 23, 2022

Research papers

The value of machine learning in privacy

Online behavioral data is a valuable source of insights for researchers. However, data collected passively via tracking meters contains Personal Identifiable Information (PII). With the GDPR into force, the value of online behavioral data is...

Catalogue: Fusion 2018 (Big Data World + Global Qualitative)
Authors: Carlos Ochoa, Ezequiel Paura
Company: Netquest
November 11, 2018

Research papers

The privacy paradox

We are being tracked. As a 2017 study of more than 8,000 consumers across eight countries commissioned by Here Technologies and carried out by BuzzBack revealed, this paradox is also evident in respect of one form of personal information: location...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Dora Heinkel, Pia Blase, Martin Oxley, Andre Schuenemann, Ralf Becker
Company: BuzzBack Market Research
September 23, 2018

Research papers

Advanced research solutions as a key to innovation in design

This paper utilizes the authors’ experience in automotive interior design development within Johnson Controls to provide insight into consumer awareness, design-related issues and vision; art and expertise, the sense of workmanship and vision of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Worldwide Qualitative Conference 2001: The Business Value Of Emotional Intelligence
Authors: Clara Origlia, Jimena Martinez, Andreas Wlasak
Company: Market Dynamics International srl
October 28, 2001

Research papers

Conjoint analysis of consumer preferences toward purchasing competing services

A general model of consumer brand awareness, preference, and choice is presented in the first part of the paper. The model is applied to learn the destinations competing with Tirol, Austria, for 1988 winter holiday visitors. Open-ended unaided...

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Micro And Macro Market Modelling
Authors: Hans Mühlbacher, Arch G. Woodside
October 26, 1987

Research papers

Attempt at integration of social change for business purposes

While the industrialised countries of Western Europe have managed prodigious feats of production and growth during the past 25 years, current difficulties would seem to indicate that 'unexpected visitors' have somehow disturbed the rules of the game,...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Social Change Analysis As A Tool For Strategic Planning And Decision Making
Author: Henri Lombard
Company: Shell Global
June 18, 1980

Research papers

Market research as an aid for premium buying policy

In modern marketing (free) gift campaigns are frequently applied. At the end of 1968 and in the beginning of 1969 a free gift campaign was carried on in The Netherlands for BRIO margarine. This campaign was packaging, sending to the effect that the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1970: The Practical Application of Market Research
Authors: P. J. Dobbenberg, Ger C. Schild
Company: NIPO
September 1, 1970