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Research reports

Qualitative research on Black Magic press advertising

The research was required in order to: 1. To establish reactions amongst all classesto the idea of the campaign as a whole, incolor and black and white, and theprobability of it appearing in 'up' and'down' class media; 2. To look specifically at the...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
May 1, 1974

Research reports

Qualitative research on Silk Cut and reactions to the new Tar League

The second Government Tar League was announced bythe Secretary for Social Services on 5th February.This was followed by advertisements in the daily andSunday newspapers. The new Tar League Table dividesbrands into five divisions. The research...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
March 11, 1974

Research reports

Qualitative research on television and press media advertising

The objectives of this research were to generatehypotheses about the ways in which TV andpress advertising work on consumer attitudes, beliefsand behaviour, when acting independently or together.About this collection:Peter Cooper (1936-2010) was...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
August 1, 1973

Research reports

Qualitative research on spry 'Light Touch'

The general objectives of this research were toanticipate the possible effects on McDougall PastryMix of competition from Van den Berg using the Spry the name 'Light Touch'. It is believed that Spry'Light Touch' could threaten McDougall Pastry...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 3, 1973

Research reports

Amcel paired-comparison test and group discussion

The Research and Development Division has carried outa pilot exercise to assess the effects on productacceptability of long-term testing of a productcontaining 25% 1324 (AMCEL).This report presents the findings of a Market ResearchDepartment...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
April 28, 1973

Research reports

Qualitative research on Limmits soup in Bristol

This research was undertaken in order to assess theprobable effects of the Limmits soup range on theNutriplan franchise. Qualitative research was done inthe Bristol town test area. About this collection:Peter Cooper (1936-2010) was co-founder of...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
February 15, 1973

Research reports

Further analysis of data collected from young people & children

The broad objectives of this further analysis were toexamine the effects of socio-economic class and sex onsome of the findings presented in 'Attitudes of YoungPeople towards Electricity'.About this collection:Peter Cooper (1936-2010) was co-founder...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
August 12, 1972

Research reports

Park Drive Tipped

The main objective of the research was to explorereactions to the proposed advertising for Park DriveTipped, intended for both press and posters. This was to be compared with the current advertisingfor Park Drive Tipped in terms of:1. Effect on...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 23, 1972

Research reports

Qualitative research on a new advertising concept for Toffo

The objectives of the research were to investigate the potential of the 'Mrs. Mackintosh' concept for advertising Toffo. Specific objectives were:a. To assess the credibility of the 'Mrs. Mackintosh' story.b. To assess its perceived relevance to...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
December 1, 1971