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Research reports

Qualitative research into packet soup naming

The current Batchelor's range of packet soups carries thevariety name and the word 'Soup'. Whilst at presentthis fulfils statutory obligations, the Food StandardsCommittee has recommended minimum incorporationof particular ingredients in order to...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
April 1, 1976

Research reports

Qualitative name research for Project Certain

Elida Gibbs wishes to develop a suitable name for its proposednew sanitary towel. The general term 'name' has two specificand possibly interdependent components: 1. The manufacturer's name;2. The brand name. The specific objectives of the...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
March 1, 1976

Research reports

Qualitative research into Capri-Sonne fuit jucie

Colman Foods a reconsidering marketing a single one shotpure fruit juice product in an aluminum pouch which claimsto represent 50% of the fruit juice market in Germany, andis called Capri-Sonne. The research was required to ascertain how consumers...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
February 1, 1976

Research reports

Qualitative research on senior service 'Ship'

The objectives of this research were to examine reactions to the concept as represented by the 'Ship' pack, product and advertising. The concept as a whole was examined and compared with the idea of a Player's concept. Motivational elements were...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
December 11, 1975

Research reports

Project Hancock

Five advertising concepts have been developed for ProjectHancock, with varying emphases upon natural ingredients,goodness, tradition, convenience. The general objectives of this research, therefore, were toevaluate the advertising concepts...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
October 1, 1975

Research reports

Qualitative research on after-shave advertisements

Yardley plans to launch a new after-shave called Svenprior to the 1975 Christmas gift-buying season. The advertising is intended to introduce Sven and positionit as a real and more interesting alternative to Brut.Therefore, it is expected to...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
September 2, 1975

Research reports

Qualitative research on Belladonna

Previous research on Belladonna has elicited alternative names befitting with the pack and advertising concept. Further research was necessary to find an acceptablealternative name and to provide a check on the impactof the modified advertising...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
July 1, 1975

Research reports

Qualitative research on Belladonna

Licensing difficulties made use of the name Della Francescaimpossible, and a subsequent piece of research showed thenames Carrissimo and Belladonna were unsuitable because of theirhigh association with other products. Further research wasrequired to...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
December 16, 1974

Research reports

Qualitative research on Sweet Home development

Earlier market positioning research by CRAM on StrongholdAerosol Spray Disinfectant indicated that a particularaspect of Sweet Home, i.e. the soft furnishings use appearedto be a viable positioning for the product in its...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
December 1, 1974