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Research reports

Country Market Research 2019: Norway

The 2019 edition of the family of Country Market Research reports are individual extractions of the overarching Global Market Research report for selected countries. Like its global counterpart, the Country Market Research reports reviewing the size...

Catalogue: Global Market Research
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
November 6, 2019

Research papers

Research on values and consumer trends in Norway

This paper is a brief presentation of the bi-annual survey called The Norwegian Monitor, an extensive survey mapping the value-pattern of the population. The value-pattern describes people's convictions and objectives in life, and can therefore...

Catalogue: Seminar 1989: Is Marketing Keeping Up With The Consumer?
Author: Erik Dalen
June 15, 1989

Research papers

A new magazine creates a new wave to a long established market

The magazine "Se og Hor" was started in September 1978. At that time, about 2,2 million magazines were sold every week in Norway, in a community counting a total of 4 million people. The magazine was accorded a probation time of 6 months to reach a...

Catalogue: Seminar 1983: Publishing A Better Product
Author: Knut Kaavik
November 23, 1983

Research papers

A new magazine creates a new wave to a long established market (Italian)

The magazine "Se og Hor" was started in September 1978. At that time, about 2,2 million magazines were sold every week in Norway, in a community counting a total of 4 million people. The magazine was accorded a probation time of 6 months to reach a...

Catalogue: Seminar 1983: Publishing A Better Product
Author: Knut Kaavik
November 23, 1983

Research papers

Measuring regional and local readership

Regional and local newspapers in Norway, as elsewhere, are threatened by developments within the newspaper market itself, by developments in the wholesale and retail trades, and by expected developments in the electronic media field. In this...

Catalogue: Seminar 1982: Improving Media Research
Authors: Per Langhoff, Harald Skare
June 15, 1982

Research papers

Non-smoking and non-drinking habits towards 1990

Consumption patterns and motivations are constantly changing with the complex developments in society as a whole. In the present study recent trends in the consumption of tobacco and alcohol are analysed. Data from surveys measuring use and non- use...

Catalogue: Papers 1982: Social Research And Prediction
Author: Lars Haglund
June 15, 1982

Research papers

Marketing research as a basis for the structuring of a sales and service organisation

This paper describes how a low-budget industrial marketing research programme was carried out and used in order to provide a basis for the structuring of a field sales organisation in a Norwegian company, NOREMA A/S, which is market leader in the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1977: Research For Decision Making
Authors: Ragnar Carelius, Bjørnulv Mortensen
June 15, 1977

Research papers

Marketing and market research in Norway 1963

1963 has been a year of further economic growth in Norway. Gross national product increased by about 5%, production in industry by about 6% and in exports there was an increase of about 8%. Prices have been rather stable. Retail sales increase by...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Yearbook 1964-1965
Author: Svein Fosse
June 15, 1965

Research papers

Methodological considerations regarding marketing research for consumer durable goods

Forecasts for the demand for durable goods have been attempt- ed both by national economists, managerial economists and sample survey experts. Different methods have been tried with varying success. The national economists in trying to forecast the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Conference 1955
Author: Leif Holbaek-Hanssen
June 15, 1955