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Research papers

Coordinating international research projects... Easy to say but...

Coordinating international research projects is not really easy. But it becomes much easier if and only if - the coordinating executives have the appropriate personality and culture - the sub-contractors react like partners, put their heads together...

Catalogue: Conference 1991: International Marketing Research
Author: Jean Quatresooz
June 15, 1991

Research papers

Transnational non-classical segmentation

Non-classical segmentations/Cluster Analysis techniques based on structures of needs have proven very useful in such a context, not only for identifying market segments/target groups, but also for observing their evolution, comparing their maturation...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/JMA/ARF Conference 1988: Innovation In Marketing, Advertising And Research
Authors: Jean Quatresooz, Dominique Vanmarsenille
June 26, 1988

Research papers

The use of pre-existing data banks for analysing local/micromarkets and optimizing branches' network

The paper describes the development, the structure and the possible contributions of a Data Bank identifying and and characterising in a lot of details numerous Local/Micromarkets. More than 200 autonomous polarisation markets have been defined...

Catalogue: Seminar 1988: Research For Financial Services
Author: Jean Quatresooz
June 15, 1988

Research papers

Attitudes of the public towards the opinion and marketing research profession, its usefulness, its dangers...

In the course of the last ten years, the opinion and market research activities have been increasingly threatened by data protection laws which did not take properly into account the role and the specificities of our profession. Regulations have been...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Author: Jean Quatresooz
June 15, 1986

Research papers

Perception of the quality of service and corporate image

The purpose of this paper is to make some remarks and comments on the relationship between: - the Corporate Image, a concept which is more and more important on a market where the financial terms, the interests paid, the criteria used for giving...

Catalogue: Seminar 1985: Assessing And Improving The Quality Of Financial Services
Author: Jean Quatresooz
June 15, 1985

Research papers

Perception and positioning of private and public financial institutions

On the Belgian market, private and public (or para-public) financial institutions are competing with each other and proposing certainly and at least to the public at large and to the small and middle sized companies products or services of which the...

Catalogue: EFMA/ESOMAR Seminar 1982: How Research Can Help Financial Organisations Communicate Internally And Externally
Author: Jean Quatresooz
June 15, 1982

Research papers

Perception and positioning of private and public financial institutions (French)

On the Belgian market, private and public (or para-public) financial institutions are competing with each other and proposing certainly and at least to the public at large and to the small and middle sized companies products or services of which the...

Catalogue: EFMA/ESOMAR Seminar 1982: How Research Can Help Financial Organisations Communicate Internally And Externally
Author: Jean Quatresooz
June 15, 1982

Research papers

Practical applications of segmentation and typology in the banking industry

The present paper can be divided in two parts. The first one will include: - a definition of Segmentation and Typology concepts; - a short description of these techniques; - a positioning of these techniques among the whole of multidimensional...

Catalogue: Seminar 1975: The Use Of Market Research In The Financial Fields
Author: Jean Quatresooz
February 1, 1975

Research papers

From purchasing and consuming habits to basic underlying attitudes

Consequently, it is in order to offer the Marketing man better criteria for the definition and the recognition of a target group that various surveys have described readers, radio listeners, TV-viewers: - according to their main interests or...

Catalogue: Seminar 1973: From Market Research To Advertising Strategy And Vice-Versa
Author: Jean Quatresooz
June 15, 1973