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Research papers

The use of expert systems in marketing

Expert Systems provide a means whereby the knowledge, experience and practices of an organisation can be brought together in easily accessible ways. Hence it becomes possible for the less knowledgeable, experienced or practiced people in an...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1986: Anticipation And Decision Making
Author: John Davis
June 15, 1986

Research papers

The market research society diploma scheme

The Market Research Society has regarded education as one of its major responsibilities ever since it was founded, and each year a major program of activities is organised which range from basic introductory courses in market research generally...

Catalogue: Workshop 1976: Educating The Effective Marketing Decision Makers
Author: John Davis
June 1, 1976

Research papers

Comment on session II

In Group 1 the discussion of brand switching was centred first on whether or not Markov chains were a useful concept in this area.

Catalogue: Seminar 1968: Operational Research In Marketing
Author: John Davis
November 1, 1968

Research papers

Comment on session I

Group 1 spent sometime discussing the LP Model of Profit in the paper by Randall and Farmer, and eventually decided it was precisely what it said it was.

Catalogue: Seminar 1968: Operational Research In Marketing
Author: John Davis
November 1, 1968

Research papers

General Comment (Group no.1)

I think this has been a most interesting Seminar because it has brought together people who are approaching this area of Operational Research in Marketing from a number of different directions, or with a number of different objectives.

Catalogue: Seminar 1968: Operational Research In Marketing
Author: John Davis
November 1, 1968