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Research papers

Mass media and free time

The paper presents the objectives, the method, some results and forms of utilisation of a survey (ISJ Survey) on the reading habits, as regards the periodical press, of Italian children and young people (aged between 6 and 17), on exposure to other...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Children And Young People
Authors: Costantino Jannacone, Ennio Salamon
Company: DOXA
June 15, 1980

Research papers

Psychographics and its practical application to the publishing business

This paper shows the findings of the first psychographics conducted in Italy on a national sample representative of the adult population ageing from 18 to 65 years and the practical application to a family weekly magazine which has a wide...

Catalogue: Seminar 1979: Publishing And The Communications Industry
Author: Costantino Jannacone
November 1, 1979

Research papers

Control techniques in a sample survey

The analysis described in this report concerns the control techniques used in sample surveys , and is based on a ten-year experience made by field work in this area and specifically applied to the survey on the Italian Periodical Press Readership by...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1979: The Challenge Of Eighties
Authors: Angela Amoroso, Costantino Jannacone
June 15, 1979