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Research papers

Statistic and significance testing

Statistics may be defined as ‘the collection, analysis and interpretation of numerical data’. As market research is concerned mostly with counting and measuring, it is not surprising that the theory of statistics can play an important part...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Handbook Of Market And Opinion Research
Author: Paul Harris
September 1, 1998

Research papers

Theory and application of multivariate methods (dependence)

In our data matrix we have one variable of particular interest and we wish to see how it is affected by movements in a single explanatory variable. For example, the variable we might be interested in is Sales in £mn and we may wish to know how it...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Teach-In Seminar 1995: All You Ever Wanted To Know About Sampling, Statistics And Questionnaires
Author: Paul Harris
February 14, 1995

Research papers

Cluster analysis

Clustering normally operates on the rows of the data matrix. It seeks to find groupings or clusters of respondents who exhibit similar patterns in terms of the variables measured.

Catalogue: ESOMAR Teach-In Seminar 1995: All You Ever Wanted To Know About Sampling, Statistics And Questionnaires
Author: Paul Harris
February 14, 1995

Research papers

Random VS quota sampling methods

In survey research it is very rare for all respondents in a given population to be interviewed. We usually take a sample of that population. The reason why we can do this is because a sample can give us, not necessarily the accuracy of a census (or...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Teach-In Seminar 1995: All You Ever Wanted To Know About Sampling, Statistics And Questionnaires
Author: Paul Harris
February 14, 1995

Research papers

How to determine the size of a sample

How should I decide on the sample size for a survey? That is a question often posed by survey researchers to statisticians. It is difficult to answer simply as in market research we carry out surveys which more often than not carry a large number of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Teach-In Seminar 1995: All You Ever Wanted To Know About Sampling, Statistics And Questionnaires
Author: Paul Harris
February 14, 1995

Research papers

Automatic interaction detector (AID) and CHAID

In this technique we are interested how one key variable relates to other survey variables. The technique of AID is particularly useful when applied to survey tabulations. Let us suppose that we have interviewed 1,000 smokers and asked them. How many...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Teach-In Seminar 1995: All You Ever Wanted To Know About Sampling, Statistics And Questionnaires
Author: Paul Harris
February 14, 1995

Research papers

Discriminant analysis

Discriminant Analysis Models are very similar to regression models, but differ in one important respect. In Discriminant Analysis the key variable of interest Y is now categorised (eg, Buyer = 1, Non-buyer = 0) rather than being continuous like...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Teach-In Seminar 1995: All You Ever Wanted To Know About Sampling, Statistics And Questionnaires
Author: Paul Harris
February 14, 1995

Research papers

Theory and application of multivariate methods (interdependance)

Factor Analysis (like the similar technique of Principal Components Analysis) is a multivariate statistical method used primarily for data reduction. Itis usually employed to reduce the columns of our data matrix, that is the variables measured for...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Teach-In Seminar 1995: All You Ever Wanted To Know About Sampling, Statistics And Questionnaires
Author: Paul Harris
February 14, 1995

Research papers

Finding and interpreting patterns of numerical data

The simplest form of analysing data is to form survey tabulations. This is done by counting the number (and percentage) of people that fall in to the predefined categories of our questionnaire. The basic tool for the survey analyst is the cross...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Teach-In Seminar 1995: All You Ever Wanted To Know About Sampling, Statistics And Questionnaires
Author: Paul Harris
February 14, 1995