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Research papers

A new way of predicting design acceptance (German)

The design orientation is defined by the psychological importance which the particular product has for the consumer as well as by individual style preferences. This way you get types whose design preferences are specific enough to differentiate...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1987
Author: Wulf Schlund
September 1, 1987

Research papers

Abbreviated simulated test markets as advertising pretesting tools

Abbreviated simulated test markets are an attempt to get out of this dilemma. They try to achieve several objectives at the same time: 1. They attempt to generate data on the way in which advertising influences purchasing behaviour as reliably as...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1987
Author: Jörg Rehorn
September 1, 1987

Research papers

The changes in sexual mores in the1980's as a result of the arrival of AIDS

AIDS is a topic that can potentially affect every member of the Conference. It is probably the major health hazard that European governments have had to face this century. Since the Autumn of 1985 reflexions has been involved in researching the issue...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1987
Author: Chris Stride
September 1, 1987

Research papers

The validity and efficiency of data collection using screen interviews compared with telephone research

This paper describes the results of a methodological test conducted by NOW Research, on behalf of British Telecom - PRESTEL. The purpose of the research was to assess the validity and efficiency of collecting market research data through the medium...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1987
Authors: David Baker, Cliff Holmes
September 1, 1987

Research papers

There are as many deals as there are programmes

The paper shows that the accelerating changes in media and advertising practices have created an environment in which programme sponsorship will thrive. Based on a thorough analysis of the main strategic trends in Europe, North America and the rest...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1987
Author: Alan Morris
September 1, 1987

Research papers

What we have learned from researching AIDS

This paper is a case history setting out what we have learned from a major programme of research into public knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in relation to the disease AIDS, with the emphasis on research methodology. The research was commissioned...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1987
Authors: John A. Samuels, Simon J. Orton
September 1, 1987

Research papers

Geographical segmentation (French)

Geographic segmentation is one of the latest new developments in market surveys. This method is aimed at answering two major questions: - in a given area, what is the consumption structure? are there geographical areas in which such and such a...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1987
Authors: Stephane Corre, Jean-Marie Bouroche
September 1, 1987

Research papers

Judging the efficiency of sponsorship

The central theme of this paper is the point that sponsorship is part of a total communications package and that, if wisely and correctly included, it can add synergy to the entire marketing communications efforts of a given company. As such, it...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1987
Authors: Peter J. Hayes, Ton Otker
September 1, 1987

Research papers

Advertising strategy and media mix under control

In this line, we have designed a large research programme, SESAME, which started in France last February, supported by media and advertisers. This programme will provide tools for media mix, through measuring the value of each main medium for each...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1987
Author: Marc Vincent
September 1, 1987