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Research papers

The use and publication of polls in a democracy

Pre-elections polls have never before been so disqualified in Spain. It will need quite a few years of impeccable work and new favourable electoral conditions for the professional activity of public opinion researchers to recover the image and the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Author: Ginés Garrido Alart
June 15, 1986

Research papers

The influence of opinion polls on the outcome of the May 1986 elections in The Netherlands

Over the past few years, the author has frequently been featured on radio and television, presenting and commenting on the results of political opinion polls. The polls of May 16th and 17th as conducted by Inter/View, as well as those organized by...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Author: Maurice de Hond
June 15, 1986

Research papers

The influence of poll data on public opinion

This contribution has three aims: 1. To determine the existing assumptions about possible negative influences of opinion polls. 2. To determine what can be said about these assumptions from the point of view of empirical social science. 3. To outline...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Author: Wolfgang Donsbach
June 15, 1986

Research papers

TV's use of regular polls

This is a report about the use of polls on television at CBS News. A brief history traces the acceptance of polls during the early days of television in political and public affairs broadcasts. Polls began as an important source of information for...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Author: Warren Mitofsky
June 15, 1986

Research papers

The editorial use and presentation of opinion polls

The American press, with a long tradition of running its own polls, treats them as a key part of its news reporting. The key elements for success in this enterprise are commitments to time, space and staff, and a recognition of what polls can and...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Author: Adam Clymer
June 15, 1986

Research papers

Below the surface of opinion polls

The following is a short sketch of my view of political opinion polls and of the use of surveys as an instrument of political strategy.

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Author: Bö Bäckman
June 15, 1986

Research papers

Opinion polls: How crucial are statistical techniques to get the right figures?

The 1986 french "Elections legislatives" have pointed out that the figures out coming from opinion polls are highly dependant from the statistical techniques involved in the estimation process. Such influence can be observed at three levels : -...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Authors: Sophie Martin, Gilles Santini
Company: IPSOS
June 15, 1986

Research papers


Less than five per cent of attitude research is represented by the opinion polls published in the newspapers and broad- cast on the radio and television. Yet most public attention is focussed on this aspect of the market research industry....

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Author: Robert M. Worcester
June 15, 1986

Research papers

Situation and recent developments in France

In this paper, we try to give an overview of the present situation of opinion polls in France and of the main recent developments in the field.

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Author: Jacques Antoine
June 15, 1986