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Research papers

Women in the world's Muslim economies

Research can measure the effectiveness of women's empowerment initiatives in the Muslim world economies. It has a role to play in quantifying international program assumptions about Muslim women's desires, hopes and experiences.Many fundamental...

Catalogue: Congress 2007: Excellence
Author: Karl Feld
Company: D3 Systems, Inc.
September 19, 2007

Research papers

Work versus life?

The aim of this presentation is to examine what drives employee engagement and worklife happiness across the globe. What differences and similarities do we find between countries and how does this indicator of societal trends interact with wider...

Catalogue: Congress 2007: Excellence
Authors: Charlotte Cornish, David Donnelly, Fabián Echegaray
Companies: Market Analysis, FDS International Ltd
September 19, 2007

Research papers

Faster and cheaper

This presentation describes the results of two studies conducted by ICM Research and MSTS. The first, The Research Buyers Survey, describes work undertaken amongst a range of research buyers to understand their views of different data collection...

Catalogue: Congress 2007: Excellence
Author: Jerry Thomas
Company: ICM Research
September 19, 2007

Research papers

Local jewels and global heroes

This presentation explores globalisation from a marketing and particularly brand management perspective.The Fusion Model distinguishes three different types of brands according to their heritage and link to local or regional cultures and history:...

Catalogue: Congress 2007: Excellence
Authors: Yijun Ma, David Lee, Ute Rademacher
Company: Ipsos MRBI
September 19, 2007

Research papers

No more death by research debrief

Research presentations often overwhelm audiences with endless slides and charts. This debrief phase is arguably the most important part of the research process.Until research has been used to motivate an action or improve decisions, the project has...

Catalogue: Congress 2007: Excellence
Authors: Amy Ricketts, Anette Bendzko
Company: GfK
September 19, 2007

Research papers

Using faces

This presentation outlines what led to the construction of our emotional measurement technique, and the psychological theory underpinning it. It describes some important new findings for the measurement of emotion in advertising: Emotions drive...

Catalogue: Congress 2007: Excellence
Author: Orlando Wood
Company: BrainJuicer
September 19, 2007

Research papers

60 Years: Then and now

How Philips has evolved its market research practices over the last decades is explained in this presentation, using examples from the past to contrast with recent projects that illustrate some of the new ways of working which have contributed to...

Catalogue: Congress 2007: Excellence
Authors: Charmian Tardieu, Maarten Schellekens
Company: McKinsey & Company
September 19, 2007

Research papers

Dancing with inspiration

The brand challenge is to be attractive enough to be noticed on the dance floor and then to invite, inspire and at best create a dynamic relationship where brand and consumer become dance partners.This presentation depicts how a consumer-connected...

Catalogue: Congress 2007: Excellence
Authors: Natascha Haehling von Lanzenauer, Elisabeth Vorwerk, Claudia Antoni
Company: Happy Thinking People
September 19, 2007

Research papers

Happy malcontents

What increases our happiness? Does wealth make us less stressful and happier? Does stress make us unhappy? What is the relation between our material as well as psychological well-being on one hand and satisfaction with social conditions on the other?...

Catalogue: Congress 2007: Excellence
Author: Krzysztof Zagorski
September 19, 2007