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Research papers

Cracking New Zealand's growing student loan debt problem

In 2011, New Zealand's student loan scheme faced an uncertain future. Government Ministers placed mounting pressure on Inland Revenue (IR) to rectify a rapidly growing debt problem caused by borrowers who had moved overseas and were not making loan...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Keith Taylor, Jocelyn Rout
October 31, 2017

Research papers

Turning a corner on negative perceptions of refugees in Europe

The world is currently facing the largest refugee crisis since World War II. At the same time, refugees have negative connotations, with the European public's propensity to help being on shaky ground. In this paper, we, therefore, investigate whether...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Samantha Bond, Patricia Dominguez, Nijat Mammadbayli
Company: SKIM
September 6, 2017

Research papers

The four moments of experience

Influence the return of investment through science driven packaging design.Problem: There are no clear guidelines to connect ideation and innovation, design, and evaluation when it comes to the development of product packaging.Solution: Develop a ...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Alejandro Salgado-Montejo, Carlos Velasco, Luis Ariza, Rodrigo Salgado, Ana Maria Moreno
September 5, 2017

Research papers

Call yourself a developer?

Microsoft needed to accurately identify their prime target of developers. Their solution lies at the intersection of Consumer and B2B research. Learn why Microsoft needed to use one to figure out the other, while exploring secondary data sets.The...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Hetty Fore, Renuka Iyer, Keith Phillips
Company: Research Now SSI
September 5, 2017

Research papers

The apprentice: The real winner in the boardroom

In order to provide context for this paper, it is important to outline Jaguar Land Rover's research objective. As a consumer-focused organization, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) has always placed great importance on target customer research as a means of...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Rhiannon Price, Daniel Tralman, James Livingston
Company: Northstar Research
September 5, 2017

Research papers

Cracking the code of impactful advertisement: How to appeal to both Gen Z and grown-ups?

In this study, the conscious findings are aimed to be blended with the target audience's emotional reactions to get a 360 degree insight what attracts Generation Z in TV commercials and whether these cause a tension for the grown-ups. Within...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Yener Girisken, Secil Hasegeli Yagli
Company: ThinkNeuro
September 5, 2017

Research papers

From the dusted drawer to the top of the pile

The main objective of this study is to determine the status quo of sharing market research results by both the agency and company/client, and to explore new ways of sharing these results for a high impact and forward integration. In this study we...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Jasper Melchers, Julia Gornandt, Iris van Loon, Joey Ophof
Company: SKIM
September 5, 2017

Research papers

Lean in fifteen, actually make that ten!

Learn to live a leaner life. Forget lean in fifteen, here's TEN easy steps to maximising the value of insigh.With pressures on budget and headcount but ever-increasing demands for insightful analysis and actionable outputs, we believe lean offers a...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Paul Child, Danielle Wakeman
Company: Join the Dots InSites Consulting
September 5, 2017

Research papers

Successful snacks and shopper insights

This paper describes the journey of a successful portfolio reconfiguration based entirely in the understanding of the consumer and shopper. Adding complexity to the equation, this business case is about one of the most compound segments of the...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Juan Pablo Garcia, Jorge Andrés Mendez
Company: Synapsis
September 4, 2017