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Research papers

The river, the mud, the sieve, the gold

This presentation is of huge importance to the audience:-It is a pro-active tool, uncompromised research design-It is a subject of high societal impact (charity)-Unique: a narrative database for a domain, that can be used by singular brands within...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2016: The Business Value of Intelligent Stories
Author: Jochum Stienstra
Company: Ferro Explore!
November 16, 2016

Research papers

The beauty and the beast

As open as qualitative research is, it is hard to take a really good look with an open mind, without any presumptions. On top of that, for clients it is difficult to see their own hidden views, the prejudice-without-knowing. We present a narrative...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2013: Brilliant Transformations
Authors: Tibor van Bekkum, Jochum Stienstra
Company: Ferro Explore!
November 20, 2013

Research papers

Enlightened gardens

Philips Lighting needed insights in garden needs with the potential to make a change in the garden lights market. It was important for Philips Lighting to completely involve the entire interdisciplinary team (researchers, technicians, marketers,...

Catalogue: Congress 2011: Impact
Authors: Pamela Pauwels, Ank van Ophoven, Jochum Stienstra
Companies: Ferro Explore!, Philips International
September 18, 2011

Research papers

The myth of segmentation

Segmentation can be a very powerful tool for aiming marketing to special groups. But is it always the right thing to do? What are its limitations? What is its future? What, if anything, lies beyond segmentation? The aim of this paper is to challenge...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Author: Jochum Stienstra
Company: Ferro Explore!
September 15, 2010

Research papers

What women want

This presentation emphasizes the usefulness of narrative research in marketing, vividly illustrated by insights in women's perspectives on advertising. A new software application (SenseMaker), which brings narrative research to a higher level, is...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2009: The Evolving Human
Authors: Annelies Jansen, Wieke van der Borg
Company: Ferro Explore!
November 19, 2009

Research papers

Loser, hero or human being

A research without questions asked? The consumer in lead of moderation and analysis? Results in the form of consumer generated cartoons of archetypes and 200 consumer generated stories? Our presentation is exactly about this: a narrative project that...

Catalogue: Congress 2008: Frontiers
Authors: Wim van der Noort, Jochum Stienstra
Company: Ferro Explore!
September 26, 2008