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Research papers

Tomorrow's Research Fuelled Today

In today's fast-paced, data-driven world, brands face the challenge of making sense of vast amounts of information to stay relevant and connected with their audiences. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into market research is not just a...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2024
Authors: Gayatri Srikant, Rivesh Misra
Companies: Toluna-MetrixLab, The Coca-Cola Company
November 19, 2024

Research papers

The Perfect Pair

What would you do if you had a short deadline to execute a new global product launch in Latin America? Do you think you would have enough time and accuracy to deeply understand people while addressing business needs? Some people say the perfect...

Catalogue: Latin America 2024
Authors: Magdalena Garcia Grisanti, Diego Alarcon
Company: The Coca-Cola Company
April 24, 2024

Research papers

Design Research: A Much Underrated and Needed Discipline

When executed on packaging, design is also the last asset to be noticed, seen and engaged with before a brand or product is acquired. Not only does it constitute the last mile of exposure, but also the most valuable, owned and always-on asset a brand...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2023 - Innovation
Author: Oualidcharaf Eddine Benchama
Company: The Coca-Cola Company
November 22, 2023

Research papers

Storybranding in Researchland

The facts being described here are not exclusive and characteristic of present times, but instead they have been happening since market research began: An issue born way before any of us. However, it was the technological evolution, the COVID-19...

Catalogue: Latin America 2023
Authors: Daniel Lagache, Diego Alarcon, Damian Gandolfi
Companies: Cooperativa Mental, The Coca-Cola Company
April 25, 2023

Research papers

Are you OK Zoomers?

To understand Gen Z?s core challenges, values and desires, and prepare for potential shifts in consumer behaviour, Coca-Cola LatAm has engaged in a quantitative study among Gen Z (or Zoomers) in Argentina, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil, benchmarking...

Catalogue: Latin America 2023
Authors: Joeri Van den Bergh, Magdalena Garcia Grisanti, Javier Barrera
Companies: The Coca-Cola Company , Human8
April 25, 2023

Research papers

Algorythms for Glocal Effectiveness

Unlike love stories, where the plot initially unfolds in a joyful and colourful mood, this business case takes placein the middle of harsh pressing forces. The first of those is a challenge our industry has been debating forseveral years now:...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Authors: Begonia Fafian, Javier Quinones, Patricia Olivares
Companies: The Coca-Cola Company , Foster & Flow
September 23, 2022

Research papers

Inca Kola reconnection strategy

Identifying with the true Peruvian - their background, that which is evident with each tasty meal of unique seasoning, that which knows resilience and to overcome any obstacle in order to move forward with ingenuity. "Who" that the Peruvian is, Inca...

Catalogue: Latin America 2020 - Insights Festival
Authors: Fabian Jalife, Tomas Gross
Companies: The Coca-Cola Company , BMC Strategic Innovation
October 19, 2020

Research papers

Trends change, motivations do not

How to build age-less marketing campaigns that are relevant to the consumers? Revealing the impact of 'motivations' on sales in the brand echoverse using linguistic inquiry and machine learning.

Catalogue: Fusion 2019
Authors: Ezgi Akpinar, Serkan Ceran, Ilker Sermen, Merve Yigit Yontar
Companies: Ipsos MRBI, The Coca-Cola Company
November 10, 2019

Research papers

The challenge of a global brand in unstable times

Consumer Mood came up in a context of regional economic crisis, seeking to provide Coca-Cola with local sensitivity without losing sight of its international status. Taking care of the rest of these aforementioned points was not part of the design,...

Catalogue: Latin America 2019
Authors: Carolina Porcari, Maria Muzio, Rosaline Hester, Sabrina Scolnic
Companies: Compañia de Negocios Moiguer, The Coca-Cola Company
April 7, 2019