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Youth marketing works: build or destroy their future?

?Marketing power is built by good research insights. Should we always yield that power and use insights to make profit by exploiting desire or reassurance? In this workshop we explore how we can use of the power of youth and remind yourself of ethics...

Catalogue: Congress 2024
Author: Sylvie Verbiest
Company: SMALL Kids
October 1, 2024



Women perspective on uniting human and technology in research

An all women panel of industry leaders discussing the future of research through the lens of technological progress.

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Liubov Ruchinskaya, Linda Elisha, Elina Halonen, Sylvie Verbiest
October 5, 2023

Research papers

Gaming 0.0

This presentation addresses how FLEX/theINNOVATIONLAB and Blauw developed an innovative and smart board game, played by researchers, designers and consumers, to create a synergistic environment for ideation in order to get the best out of people....

Catalogue: Congress 2009: Leading The Way
Authors: Jeroen Verbrugge, Abke Geels, Sylvie Verbiest, Arthur Fletcher
Company: Blauw Research
September 22, 2009