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Riding the Shockwaves

When we began our engagement with the British Army in 2020, many young people's reference point for what being in the Army might be like was a reality TV gameshow. In the UK, the contemporary image of the combat soldier in popular culture and the...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Luke Perry, Luke Mantell
Company: Jigsaw Research
September 27, 2023

Research papers

Riding the Shockwaves

When we began our engagement with the British Army in 2020, many young people?s reference point for what being in the Army might be like was a reality TV gameshow. In the UK, the contemporary image of the combat soldier in popular culture and the...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Luke Perry, Luke Mantell
September 27, 2023


Is this an insight?

The research industry needs to reclaim its most precious asset–the insight. Unless we produce insights, we are just selling small data. We must brand insight as our product and we can only do this by defining it and distinguishing it from...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Authors: Luke Perry, Peter Totman
June 15, 2015

Research papers

Behavioral economics

Behavioral economics is emerging as a significantly influential insight paradigm in the UK in research and related disciplines and it poses many methodological and philosophical challenges. A key interest will be in helping to understand these...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2010: Foresight on Moods and Thoughts
Authors: Alex Johnston, Luke Perry
Company: Jigsaw Research
November 18, 2010