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Research papers

It's what inside that counts

This paper offers a case history on understanding local positioning of an international whisky brand in eight Eastern European countries and how this was adapted in line with global thinking and implemented locally. It covers the key issues and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2001: Marketing Transformation
Authors: Jane Reid, Steve Crompton
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
September 23, 2001

Research papers

Myths and realities of the global young consumer

This paper examines the extent to which the old cliche think global, act local is relevant when marketing to young children. We argue that this hypothesis is most definitely valid for youth markets on a global basis. A global strategy is valid...

Catalogue: Seminar 1997: How To Be Number One In The Youth Market
Authors: David Thomson, Graham Woodham
October 22, 1997

Research papers

Seeking common factors for standardization strategy in global marketing

As global business expands, practitioners in this field have desire to control or manipulate their global business strategy. In order to do this, they have to understand the global marketing environment at the same sophisticated level as their...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/JMA/ARF Conference 1995: Triad 2000
Author: Hiroshi Kosaka
June 15, 1995

Research papers

Key competitive differentiators

This paper predicates its contribution to marketing and progressive business management on the compelling need in the balance of the 1990's and beyond, to redefine the concept of Positioning in an intensely competitive global marketplace. As...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/JMA/ARF Conference 1995: Triad 2000
Author: Renée Love
June 15, 1995

Research papers

Should advertising strategies for international brands be global or multinational?

Phase II is an extension of this study, providing further insight to the issue of global v. multinational strategies, via new quantitative and qualitative data, plus case histories, gathered in countries that have been newly added to the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF/JMA Conference 1992: Marketing And Research Under A "New World Order"
Author: Peter Klein
Company: MSW_ARS Research
June 15, 1992

Research papers

A Global marketing strategy responding to national cultures

A proposal for the conceptually desirable Global Marketing Strategy is presented. This effective global strategy which has a standardised pattern across nations should be adapted to national cultures in order to be most efficient. First, the basic...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF/JMA Conference 1992: Marketing And Research Under A "New World Order"
Author: Hiroshi Kosaka
June 15, 1992

Research papers

To find opportunities in the youth market

This paper will be presented by Yo! (Youth Opinion International). With contributions from CWA Ltd (UK); the Institut de l' Enfant (France) and Research Data Inc (USA). The paper will draw upon a long history of child and youth research in our...

Catalogue: Seminar 1992: Children And Young People- Are They The New Consumers?
Author: Mick Williamson
June 15, 1992

Research papers

Developing a global pricing strategy

In 1986 a new Company appeared on the World Stage, United Distillers, the spirits Company of Guinness PLC. The company was formed as a result of the highly publicised takeover of the Distillers Company Limited by Guinness and was primarily a...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1991: Marketing In A New Europe
Authors: Clive Sims, Adam Phillips, Trevor Richards
June 15, 1991

Research papers

Global branding and segmentation: Everything old is new again

This paper discusses the experiences of a major multi-national country with global branding, in general, and the market research aspects, in particular. It focuses on specific research programs developed to address global marketing issues relevant to...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Author: Elana M. Hudak
Company: Colgate-Palmolive
September 1, 1989