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Research papers

Housing for disabled people

This paper is based upon a study undertaken for the Department of the Environment and was designed to assess the housing needs and preferences of disabled people in terms of design and location of their dwelling. The main subject of this paper is a...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1973: The Application Of Market And Social Research For More Efficient Planning
Author: E. Fernando
September 1, 1973

Research papers

The theory and practice of index construction, illustrated with an index of anomie

The concern with Quality of Life and the large numbers of social indicators that are being identified as relevant to quality of life, raises political and ethical questions in respect of choices that must be made from among them. The necessity to...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1973: The Application Of Market And Social Research For More Efficient Planning
Author: E.J. Van Goudoever
September 1, 1973

Research papers

Using government data for research and instruction

Data files developed by the government are frequently very large consisting, in some cases, of many millions of logical records. The needs of those who would do secondary analysis of these data have not necessarily been a factor in determining either...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1973: The Application Of Market And Social Research For More Efficient Planning
Author: Judith S. Rowe
September 1, 1973

Research papers


TNA has been investigating social trends as they affect consumer behaviour. Five groups of trends have been covered and the fifth group of trends, namely Consumerism, which is discussed in detail in this paper. The paper discusses studies of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1973: The Application Of Market And Social Research For More Efficient Planning
Author: Elizabeth H. Nelson
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
September 1, 1973

Case studies

Data-banks in theory and in practice

Data-banks do not grow up on their own. They are constrained by the objectives of the researchers or administrators who build them, and by the institution or environment that they relate to. Ideally they imply and require systematic planning. In...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1973: The Application Of Market And Social Research For More Efficient Planning
Author: Naomi E. Mcintosh
September 1, 1973

Research papers

Marketing planning in a Western company of a multinational type (French)

This paper is based on the observation of the way several European Companies operate; these Companies manufacture and market consumer goods and belong to a large international Concern. Their relatively homogeneous operating methods, in spite of the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1973: The Application Of Market And Social Research For More Efficient Planning
Author: P. Pigenet
September 1, 1973

Research papers

Teaching research methods through secondary analysis

After considering some problems in more traditional ways of teaching research methods, this paper discusses how archived data may be used in teaching graduate level courses in this subject in political science and sociology. The discussion is based...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1973: The Application Of Market And Social Research For More Efficient Planning
Author: Ada W. Finifter
September 1, 1973

Research papers

Research uses of benefit records of the unemployment insurance commission

Secondary analysis of benefit records of the Unemployment Insurance Commission is presented as a promising method for research on unemployment problems in Canada. This analysis will be conducted on a data bank or archive using a one percent sampling...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1973: The Application Of Market And Social Research For More Efficient Planning
Author: Bernard Portis
September 1, 1973

Research papers

Example of a planning system for the community Of Worpswede

The communities in the Federal Republic of Germany are confronted with continually changing environmental conditions, which necessitate a constant checking of their attitudes and a systematic, purposive and long-range-efficient adjustment work. The...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1973: The Application Of Market And Social Research For More Efficient Planning
Author: Erich M. Ruczinski
September 1, 1973