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Research papers

Acting on the Unsaid

How we can change our thought processes, allowing room for both expression and action, transforming our approach to research and ultimately fostering business growth. And the business grew; this is what Chokis in CARICAM is about.

Catalogue: Latin America 2024
Authors: Carolina Porcari, Luis Alejandro Zarate, Itzelli Vizcaino, Ezequiel Erdei
Companies: Mega Research, PepsiCo
April 24, 2024


Acting on the Unsaid

How we can change our thought processes, allowing room for both expression and action, transforming our approach to research and ultimately fostering business growth. And the business grew; this is what Chokis in CARICAM is about.

Catalogue: Latin America 2024
Authors: Carolina Porcari, Luis Alejandro Zarate, Itzelli Vizcaino, Ezequiel Erdei
Companies: PepsiCo, Mega Research
April 24, 2024





Humanity in Creative Development

The insights industry is at a crossroads, similar to that faced by the global energy industry. In short: what got us here, won?t get us there! Change is needed for our industry to continue to inspire our business stakeholders, create impact and power...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Monica Tenorio, Rafik El Noumeir
Company: PepsiCo
September 29, 2023

Research papers

The Future of Research is Here

The future is here. We all know about digitisation, and this new era COVID-19 brought to humanity?full of technological accomplishments. With all that being said, how do you explain how the market research industry, which is full of smart people and...

Catalogue: Latin America 2023
Authors: Claudia Sciarretta, Paulina Castillo
Company: PepsiCo
April 25, 2023


Itau Digital iLab: Combining Digital Platforms with Design Methods

Daily life is now unimaginable without smart devices. Smartphones, for instance, work as extensions of aperson, as predicted by Marshall McLuhan (1966- 1994) in his book Understanding Media, which was relatingto media devices in the 1960s. These...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Company: PepsiCo
September 23, 2022

Research papers

Itau Digital iLab: Combining Digital Platforms with Design Methods

Daily life is now unimaginable without smart devices. Smartphones, for instance, work as extensions of aperson, as predicted by Marshall McLuhan (1966- 1994) in his book Understanding Media, which was relatingto media devices in the 1960s. These...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Authors: Adriana Rocha, Thyago Simoes, Claudia da Matta Furniel
Companies: eCGlobal Solutions, Itau Unibanco
September 23, 2022