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Research papers

Holding AI to its Promise

The last five to 10 years have seen significant change, with the evolution of AI and its increasing applications in every field. While there is optimism for an overall net positive business impact and betterment of society, it is counter-balanced by...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2024
Author: Ramanathan Vythilingam
Company: Unilever
November 19, 2024


Research papers


It is fantastic to finally have a face-to-face ESOMAR APAC event after a long gap of four years. As we look forward to welcoming everyone to sunny Singapore, it is also a moment to take stock and reflect on the year that was 2023. It is amazing how...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2023 - Innovation
Author: Ramanathan Vythilingam
Company: Unilever
November 22, 2023


How Unilever is enabling purpose-driven marketing with Bot-enabled Research.

Unilever, Africa?s leading consumer goods company, recently partnered with Borderless Access to develop a deeper understanding of the personal/household hygiene habits and needs of mass-market consumers in order to know how to address these issues on...

Catalogue: Webinars 2021
Authors: Stacey Grant, Bev Bassett
Companies: Borderless Access Pvt. Ltd., Unilever
July 27, 2021



Many transformational initiatives have been born overnight due to the global pandemic ? but what changes have been made by the Insight Teams in Asia Pacific? Gigi Leung, Head of Strategic Insights & Analytics for Japan, Johnson & Johnson sets...

Catalogue: Webinars 2021
Authors: Gigi Leung, Disha Bhatnagar, Ramanathan Vythilingam, Cristiane Ross
Companies: Johnson & Johnson, Unilever, Pure Group, AirAsia
July 27, 2021


Computing the crystal ball

Winning with trends by understanding current trends and predicting trends before they occur can be used to launch an on-trend product in the market, prepare the innovation pipeline to help businesses gain market share in the category and drive...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2020 - Insights Festival
Authors: Chandan Agarwal, Barnava Nandi
Company: Unilever
November 3, 2020

Research papers

Remaining human in a world of AI

This time, it will not be the AI winters we saw in the 1970s and 1990s, but a human winter, where the very relevance of human effort is being called into question. There is an irony inherent in this- developments in AI started to gain a strong...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2020 - Insights Festival
Author: Ramanathan Vythilingam
Company: Unilever
November 2, 2020

Research papers

Computing the crystal ball

Winning with trends by understanding current trends and predicting trends before they occur can be used to launch an on-trend product in the market, prepare the innovation pipeline to help businesses gain market share in the category and drive...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2020 - Insights Festival
Authors: Barnava Nandi, Chandan Agarwal, Ritika Sinha
Company: Unilever
November 2, 2020


Remaining human in a world of AI

This time, it will not be the AI winters we saw in the 1970s and 1990s, but a human winter, where the very relevance of human effort is being called into question. There is an irony inherent in this- developments in AI started to gain a strong...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2020 - Insights Festival
Author: Ramanathan Vythilingam
Company: Unilever
November 2, 2020