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Revue Française du Marketing (Avril 2007)

Il s'avère difficile de définir précisément l'ensemble des industries de service tant lesnomenclatures économiques diffèrent d'un pays à l'autre. Prolongeant l'effort entrepris par la Revue Française du Marketing dans...

Catalogue: ADETEM: Revue Française du Marketing
Author: ADETEM
Company: ADETEM
April 1, 2007


Revue Française du Marketing (Février 2006)

Ce numéro de votre Revue ne comporte que des analyses variées d'origine académique, avec toujours plusieurs auteurs associés, dans deux cas desenseignantes-chercheuses, dans deux cas leurs collègues masculins:nous atteignons une...

Catalogue: ADETEM: Revue Française du Marketing
Author: ADETEM
Company: ADETEM
February 1, 2006


Revue Française du Marketing 2001 (N. 185)

La recherche de la qualité est devenue une préoccupation majeure et incontournable. Elle se manifeste dans tous les secteurs d'activité, en particulierdans les services fournis aux particuliers et auxentreprises. Dans ce numéro de la...

Catalogue: ADETEM: Revue Française du Marketing
Author: ADETEM
Company: ADETEM
May 1, 2001

Research papers

Service strategies in practice

In order to set the scene for the topic on which I am going to speak I will have to give you a few details about SAS Service Partner. The Catering Company which today operates under the name SAS Service Partner was established in 1961 as SAS Catering...

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Strategies For Service Management
Author: Ivar Samrén
June 15, 1987

Research papers

Services are men affairs marketing through

Let us just think about the specificity of services : how to manage, and how to implement a much more efficient marketing and strategy for a service company.

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Strategies For Service Management
Author: Jean Luis Brousse
June 15, 1987

Research papers

Developing a service strategy

The basis of my paper concerns the development of Service Management Strategies. With this in mind, my presentation is split into three distinct parts.

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Strategies For Service Management
Author: Conrad Free
June 15, 1987

Research papers

Adapting positioning strategy to consumers' quality and value needs in service markets

NOVACTION'S PERCEPTOR SYSTEM comprises marketing models and an experience database. The models provide an analytic framework for understanding the contributions of brand positioning and marketing mix to consumers' brand preferences and purchasing...

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Strategies For Service Management
Author: Chris Macrae
June 15, 1987

Research papers

Determining critical levels for quality dimensions in service firms

The purpose of this paper is to give some guidelines of how one can set suitable levels of service components. It is too much to say that we will present a methodology for this purpose. We provide some indications of what can be done. In the paper we...

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Strategies For Service Management
Author: Mikael Paltschik
June 15, 1987

Research papers

A new tool for concept testing in services

Concept testing in the field of services is not yet fully developed. That is why SOFRES and the BUY © TEST network all over the world propose a new tool: the CHOICE © Test. CHOICE © is basically a quantitative method but brings also many...

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Strategies For Service Management
Authors: Dominique Saint-Paul, Michéle Monin-Poucin
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
June 15, 1987