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Research papers


This paper looks at the lessons that have been learned in providing a continuous measurement of tourism in GB in terms of questionnaire design, sampling and analysis. The paper draws on the experience gained by NOP Market Research Ltd in monitoring...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Author: Charles Ilsley
September 15, 1989

Research papers

Some of the knowledge gained from 10 years experience of advertising monitoring in the building society market in Nordrhein-Westfalen

For 10 years, Infratest has been continuously investigating the relevance of building society advertising for the LBS in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is shown that the question commonly used in such advertising tracking studies is problematic and how...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Authors: Rolf Pfleiderer, Gunter Luke
Company: Infratest dimap Gesellschaft fur Trend- und Wahlforschung mbH
September 15, 1989

Research papers


This paper briefly describes a continuous market information system for the travel industry in Sweden and shows various applications and usage possibilities. The paper shows how the system can be used to monitor basic market volumes as number of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Authors: Bengt Sahlberg, Par Källeskog
Company: Burke, Inc.
September 15, 1989

Research papers

Informativeness of product characteristics and their dimensional scaling

The paper presents a new approach to the scaling of market product characteristics. The categories used in information theory are applied to study product characteristics, which are treated as meaningful messages. The market product itself is...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Author: Stefan Mynarski
September 15, 1989

Research papers

Marketing research mirror in corporate communication planning

This paper is founded on the market research carried out by the author in 1987 in the Market Research Centre - Zagreb, for the needs of a specific Yugoslav conglomerate which is involved in the production and processing of zinc, alloys and chemical...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Author: Nenad Porges
September 15, 1989

Research papers

How to optimize a sales organisation in the financial area

A company in the financial area had developed a special conception of a sales organisation. One main target of this research was to find the correct way of addressing (advertising, head hunting or other methods) for possible candidates for such a...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Author: Gisela Stengel-Guettner
September 3, 1989

Research papers

Global communication (French)

Our hypothesis is that "corporate" communication is sub-divided in three entities which enact different rationalities: the discourse of the enterprise, of a legal and economic nature ; the institutional discourse, of a political and ethical nature ;...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Author: Yves Krief
September 1, 1989

Research papers

Keeping panel respondents fit and willing

In this paper we will discuss the quality of the data obtained by using computerised interviewing in a panel situation. For this form of research some extra advantages of computerised interviewing can be obtained. It will first be shown for data on...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Authors: Leo van Doorn, Theo Hess
Company: NIPO
September 1, 1989

Research papers

European reading of TV audiences

Data on TV audiences are required by TV stations, advertisers, and the public. The advent of trans-frontier multi-country TV stations in the past few years had illustrated this on a European basis. The answer to this need was PETAR (Pan-European...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Author: Thomas Neumann
Company: Procter & Gamble
September 1, 1989