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Research papers

Do Androids Dream of Electric Research?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been described as 'the most profound change in human history' (Russell,2021). In this paper, the chairs of ESOMAR's Legal Affairs and Professional Standards Committees don'tpull their punches in stating how they think...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Authors: Judith Passingham, Mike Cooke
Company: ESOMAR
September 23, 2022

Research papers

The Future of Privacy-Centric Advertising Measurement

In this paper, we introduce a privacy-centric advertising measurement framework to demonstrate howmeasurement can help businesses grow in the era of privacy restrictions. The COVID-19 pandemic hascaused big changes in the global economy (the biggest...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Author: Minh Nguyen
Company: Google
September 23, 2022

Research papers

Freeze Fraudster!

Data quality is and will always be at the top of researchers' mind in the insights industry. How in today's ever-evolving climate can you trust that your data is reliable? Even though this issue has grown and changed over time,it remains...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Authors: Lisa Wilding-Brown, Sandy Casey, Rich Ratcliff
Companies: InnovateMR, OpinionRoute
September 23, 2022


Do Androids Dream of Electric Research?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been described as 'the most profound change in human history' (Russell,2021). In this paper, the chairs of ESOMAR's Legal Affairs and Professional Standards Committees don'tpull their punches in stating how they think...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
September 23, 2022


Freeze Fraudster!

Data quality is and will always be at the top of researchers' mind in the insights industry. How in today's ever-evolving climate can you trust that your data is reliable? Even though this issue has grown and changed over time,it remains...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Companies: InnovateMR, OpinionRoute
September 23, 2022


The Future of Privacy-Centric Advertising Measurement

In this paper, we introduce a privacy-centric advertising measurement framework to demonstrate howmeasurement can help businesses grow in the era of privacy restrictions. The COVID-19 pandemic hascaused big changes in the global economy (the biggest...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
September 23, 2022


How to Ensure Data Security while Democratizing Knowledge

What's it about?Every day, businesses are accumulating more and more knowledge at a rate faster than ever before putting organizations at a crossroads between making sure data is secure but accessible at the same. It is a pressure many are facing...

Catalogue: Webinars 2022
Author: Dan Mallin
Company: Lucy
July 15, 2022


Insights' Privacy Day 2021 - Privacy in Asia: What you need to know in 2021

Tensions have risen sharply in the US recently over freedom of speech and privacy with the Twitter/WhatsApp/Facebook issues.How are we in Asia Pacific responding to the big privacy issues? Is our profession under threat?Are we coping with the privacy...

Catalogue: Webinars 2021
Authors: Finn Raben, Gillie Abbotts-Jones, Ravikumar Narayanan, Disha Bhatnagar, Andy Zhao
January 28, 2021