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Research papers

Building a pet-friendly omnichannel marketplace

As pure digital-players like Amazon and Alibaba bring the online retail experience to the offline world by opening walk- in stores loaded with Artificial Intelligence that look and feel like e-commerce solutions, we can no longer believe in an...

Catalogue: Latin America 2019
Authors: Adrian Kohan, Eduardo Sanpietro
Companies: Gentedemente, Mars Wrigley
April 7, 2019

Research papers

Four week radio survey

This paper develops NBD models and new evaluation methods for estimating the reach and frequency distribution. The models were developed in order to address the radio industry’s requirements of ‘flighting’ and schedule variation from...

Catalogue: ARF/ESOMAR Worldwide Radio 2001
Authors: Alexandra Lyall, Mark Neely, Campbell M. Rungie
Company: Nielsen
April 1, 2001

Research papers

Traditional VS. new millenium distribution channels

This paper provides attitudinal information collected from mutual fund investors in the United States and Europe regarding various traditional and emerging distribution channels. The author proposes that channels be redefined according to whether...

Catalogue: Financial Markets In Turbulent Times 1999: Guidance From Marketing Research
Author: Marcia Selz
September 1, 1999

Research papers

The changing landscape of distribution channels

The Dutch financial industry makes increasing use of new distribution channels. This paper describes the degree to which this influences Dutch consumer attitudes and behaviours. The paper is based on findings from a semi-continuous study. It explains...

Catalogue: Financial Markets In Turbulent Times 1999: Guidance From Marketing Research
Author: Reg van Steen
September 1, 1999

Research papers

Strangers in the bank

The article presents how technical development, changing customer behaviour and lower barriers to entry into financial services markets open up opportunities for players from other industries to enter the industry traditionally dominated by banks....

Catalogue: Financial Markets In Turbulent Times 1999: Guidance From Marketing Research
Author: Christian Reber
September 1, 1999

Research papers

Visible success

The Office Products Market in Europe is characterised by a complex distribution structure and multiple sales channels. Up to seven layers of distribution for some consumable products add significantly to prices paid by the end user. Our client, a...

Catalogue: B2B Marketing Seminar 1994: Reengineering Of Traditional Market Research
Author: Joe Seydel
June 15, 1994

Research papers

The effects of trade development on marketing in the Nineties

The following paper shows the prospective effects on marketing of the developments retail will experience in the nineties. It concentrates on an analysis of the situation in Europe. The starting point is the manufacturers' marketing concept in...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF/JMA Conference 1992: Marketing And Research Under A "New World Order"
Author: Gunter Redwitz
Company: GfK
June 15, 1992

Research papers

The use of retail audit research in developing and maintaining effective retail distribution

The paper gives an overview of the relationships between two key pieces of retail audit information, sales share and distribution. It shows how, if used correctly, retail audit data can give management a means of focussing their resources to increase...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Conference 1992: The Opportunity Factors To Business Success In The Post War Middle East
Author: Tony Antoniou
June 15, 1992

Research papers

Rethinking the distribution channels

In this paper, I shall examine the full spectrum of distribution channels for financial services. These changed comparatively little for at least 150 years, being based around branch banking and insurance brokers. Technology, combined with pressure...

Catalogue: Seminar 1992: Banking And Insurance- Pressure On Profits, Pressure On Research
Author: Douglas Kerr
June 15, 1992