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Research papers

The challenge of globalization to marketing research

Economic integration is a worldwide phenomenon but is a sequel to profound technological changes. The present international integration repeats what happened when local markets began to take regional/national dimensions. We are now on the way to...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/JMA/ARF Conference 1988: Innovation In Marketing, Advertising And Research
Author: Jacques E. Andriessens
June 26, 1988

Research papers

Transnational non-classical segmentation

Non-classical segmentations/Cluster Analysis techniques based on structures of needs have proven very useful in such a context, not only for identifying market segments/target groups, but also for observing their evolution, comparing their maturation...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/JMA/ARF Conference 1988: Innovation In Marketing, Advertising And Research
Authors: Jean Quatresooz, Dominique Vanmarsenille
June 26, 1988

Research papers

Repositioning a brand to include the service element

This paper is designed to demonstrate the contribution of a major research programme on decisions about national and local communications policies as well as on the organization of field operations. The paper is subdivided in four parts. Part I...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/JMA/ARF Conference 1988: Innovation In Marketing, Advertising And Research
Author: Dick Hage
June 15, 1988

Research papers

Electronic single source consumer panels

During the past decade, electronic measurement has clearly demonstrated its ability to satisfy the growing information needs of the advertising industry in the United States. The growing array of innovative electronic consumer data collection devices...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/JMA/ARF Conference 1988: Innovation In Marketing, Advertising And Research
Author: William F. Mckenna
June 15, 1988

Research papers

Marketing strategies as adopted by Ajinomoto in southeast Asia

The purpose of this paper is explaining to you our sales and marketing activities concerning "AJI-SO-MOTO" brand retail products in South East Asian countries.

Catalogue: ESOMAR/JMA/ARF Conference 1988: Innovation In Marketing, Advertising And Research
Author: Keiichi Koseki
June 15, 1988

Research papers

Meeting the multi-national companies' demands for global advertising research tools

The outcome of the association between McCollum/Spielman and GfK has been a great delight. In addition to-giving us the opportunity to visit Jutland in the dead of winter nd Duseeldorf in the midst of a major snow storm, it has proved a stimulating...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/JMA/ARF Conference 1988: Innovation In Marketing, Advertising And Research
Authors: Harold M. Spielman, Hans Heyder
Company: GfK
June 15, 1988

Research papers

The globalisation of innovation

In recent years there has been much discussion about the globalisation of markets which has resulted from a number of developments in consumption patterns, in supply, in technical progress and the process of competition which greatly influences the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/JMA/ARF Conference 1988: Innovation In Marketing, Advertising And Research
Author: Justus Veeneklaas
Company: Philips International
June 15, 1988

Research papers

New product development based on Japanese consumer tastes in the area of electronics and home appliances

The marketing philosophy of Japanese enterprises in the high-tech field is to discover ways to match technology with the traditional life style and culture of the Japanese people instead of just regarding technology as rational, functional and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/JMA/ARF Conference 1988: Innovation In Marketing, Advertising And Research
Author: Tohru Nishikawa
June 15, 1988

Research papers

Psychological analysis of ordinary people and the structure of interviews

"Life-Psycho-Analysis" is psychological analysis of ordinary people in their daily behavior. This is a method which requires to comprehensively understanding from the perspective of why do they act in their shopping behavior as consumers or their...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/JMA/ARF Conference 1988: Innovation In Marketing, Advertising And Research
Author: Jun Aburatani
June 15, 1988