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Research papers


This paper briefly describes a continuous market information system for the travel industry in Sweden and shows various applications and usage possibilities. The paper shows how the system can be used to monitor basic market volumes as number of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Authors: Bengt Sahlberg, Par Källeskog
Company: Burke, Inc.
September 15, 1989

Research papers

Using an integrated marketing data-base for women's weeklies in the Netherlands

In 1985 VNU was confronted with a rather sudden decline in the circulation of a large part of their magazines. As a matter of course the reaction was: try to find the reasons for this decline! In summer 1985 it was decided to start a comprehensive...

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Publishing For Optimum Profit
Author: John Rodenburg
November 25, 1987

Research papers

Information system

Those who have been keeping up-to-date with developments in information science and technology, and have access to the enormously expanded volume of information now available, can be forgiven for wishing sometimes that they knew the spell which would...

Catalogue: Seminar 1984: Market Research And M.M.I.S.
Author: Andrew Robert McIntosh
January 25, 1984

Research papers

Information display boards (IDB)

Information Display methodology is a laboratory procedure which consists in presenting subjects with an array of product information and permitting them to acquire as much or as little information as they wish, before, arriving at a purchase decision...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1982: Fitting Research To Turbulent Times
Author: Bernard Dubois
June 15, 1982

Research papers

DIANE as tool for marketing information systems

Euronet, the telecommunications network sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities, has been in commercial service for over 1½ years. During that time the information services, collectively referred to as DIANE (Direct Information...

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: Industrial Marketing Research
Author: Barry Mahon
October 1, 1981

Research papers

The need for international market intelligence systems

The paper argues the case for international market intelligence systems and identifies the key factors that need to be taken into account in developing such a system. The industry is becaming increasingly competitive, more international and managers...

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: International Pharmaceutical Marketing Research
Author: James C. Newell
September 1, 1981

Research papers

Environmental information in healthcare marketing

One of the most significant developments over the last decade has been the growing importance of environmental considerations. This has affected all walks of industrial life and there can be few manufacturing companies that have not been exposed to...

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: International Pharmaceutical Marketing Research
Author: Alan Sheppard
September 1, 1981

Research papers


Coordinated Management Information Systems is basically a service organization specializing in Information Systems designed to assist Sales/Marketing management in decision making. Through a combination of people, analytical techniques and computer...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Information Systems In Action
Author: Sydney Toledano
June 15, 1980

Research papers

Numerical data banks

Only comparatively recently has informatics been accepted as a science in its own right and its content and boundaries are still unsettled. In effect, the definition of the term informatics is still being argued between experts both at national and...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Information Systems In Action
Author: Marcello Colantoni
June 15, 1980