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Research papers

Effective semiotic codes in adolescents

This presentation illustrates the relevance and strategic potential of semiotic analysis in market research and advertising, especially in the development of image, positioning and communication projects. Based on a syndicated research study...

Catalogue: Latin America 2010: The Innovation Journey
Authors: Rosalba Olivella, Carlos Hernández
Company: Feed Back Profile S.A.
May 21, 2010

Research papers

The evolved consumer

The global economic crisis has resulted in some predictable consumer behaviour changes. Even prior to the economic slowdown we were sensing shifts in consumer attitude towards the conspicuous consumption which had dominated the previous decade....

Catalogue: Latin America 2010: The Innovation Journey
Author: Karina Besprosvan
Company: integral, OmnicomMediaGroup
May 21, 2010

Research papers

"Me to We Research": Digital characters

Me-to-We research challenges a central piece of market research dogma, namely, that practitioners should only ask people about their own motivations, actions and future behaviour. In 'We' research we never ask people about themselves, only what...

Catalogue: Latin America 2010: The Innovation Journey
Authors: Mark Earls, John Kearon
Company: BrainJuicer
May 21, 2010

Research papers

Beleza natural

Few studies address the precarious course that might be encountered when entrepreneurs originating in the Base of the Pyramid (BOP) try to grow their businesses by transcending their class-of-origin and strike into mass or even luxury markets. In...

Catalogue: Latin America 2010: The Innovation Journey
Authors: Leticia Moreira Casotti, Maribel Carvalho Suarez, Hy Mariampolski
Company: QualiData Research Inc.
May 21, 2010

Research papers

Social media and market research in Latin America

Although social media is now dominating the way people use the Internet and behave online, most market research companies are ignoring how important the phenomenon is to our industry. In a business where consumers' opinions are so crucial we cannot...

Catalogue: Latin America 2010: The Innovation Journey
Author: Diego Meller
May 21, 2010

Research papers

A look to the global crisis in Latin America

The result of traditional research, ethnographic observation and neuro-marketing approaches, this presentation is based on a profound understanding of the Mexican experience in crises (beyond the economic crisis), parting from the theoretical...

Catalogue: Latin America 2010: The Innovation Journey
Authors: Alicia Martín del Campo, Gloria Hidalgo
Company: Qualimerc S.C.
May 21, 2010

Research papers

Forecasting a market in a chaotic environment

The effectiveness of three commonly used methodologies for market size estimation, as well as their accuracy in explaining the future behavior of the automobile market in Ecuador, is addressed in this presentation. These methodologies are Delphi...

Catalogue: Latin America 2010: The Innovation Journey
Authors: Esteban Vega, Bernardo Creamer
May 21, 2010

Research papers

Webnography: A new market survey technique

Market research has a new vast territory to explore: cyberspace. All kinds of people from around the world converge in this so-called cyberspace, where time and space acquire new dimensions and all kinds of topics can be addressed. The network is a...

Catalogue: Latin America 2010: The Innovation Journey
Authors: Manuel Barberena, Maria Elena León
Company: Pearson S.A. de C.V.
May 21, 2010

Research papers

Latin eye tracking

The case describes the application of the Eye Tracking neurophysiologic technology in the advertising evaluation of Aceite Z with Super Fry, product of the multinational Team Foods. The television commercial created to halt the product's drop in...

Catalogue: Latin America 2010: The Innovation Journey
Authors: Carolina Mejía Posada, Catalina Mejia Rozo
Company: YanHaas S.A.
May 21, 2010