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Research papers

Aiming at knowledge

Strategic marketing decisions call for up-to-date and reliable information about market developments. Information is necessary in order to be able to successfully capitalize on current developments in the environment. Information or rather knowledge...

Catalogue: Seminar 1999: Market and Competitive Intelligence
Authors: Arjen Kuijten, Edward Hermans
Company: NIPO
March 1, 1999

Research papers

Research for corporate decisions

The ABN AMRO bank has outsourced the Consumer Marketing Research Department. The NIPO the major Marketing Research company in the Netherlands handles all the marketing research for the consumer market. The NIPO consultant has responsibility for the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1995: Making The Decision
Authors: Jan Bouts, Marga Brijs
Company: NIPO
September 1, 1995

Research papers

IT as a strategy to manage the process of quantitative research

In this paper the process of large-scale quantitative research is examined with the aim of finding ways to reduce costs and improve quality. The paper focuses on the role IT plays in fieldwork preparation, fieldwork management, data collection and...

Catalogue: Seminar 1995: Information Technology- How Can Research Keep Up With The Peace Of Change
Author: Niels J. Grommé
Company: NIPO
January 1, 1995

Research papers

Solutions to management problems

This paper will show that qualitative research methods can contribute to an increased effectiveness of traditional market research and can offer a solution to a variety of management problems related to the development and implementation of a (new)...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1994: Success Through Adaptation
Author: Julie Visser
Company: NIPO
September 1, 1994

Research papers

Random individual samples within households or how inadequate methodologies lead to a waste of time and money

This paper demonstrates that those random procedures for selecting individuals in households will lead to enormous shortcomings in the representativeness of the individual sample while the agencies will need a second or third wave to obtain a minimum...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1994: Success Through Adaptation
Author: Theo Hess
Company: NIPO
September 1, 1994

Research papers

The EVE-2 trial

In May 1991 six European telecommunications companies agreed to develop a European-wide videophone service, promoting the use of international standards (ITU: H.320), through the European Video telephony (EV) programme. The main part of the programme...

Catalogue: B2B Marketing Seminar 1994: Reengineering Of Traditional Market Research
Authors: Jans Aasman, Margot Lagendijk, Ted Vonk
Company: NIPO
June 15, 1994

Research papers

Mystery shopper research

Mystery shopper research (or mystery buyer research) is an often underestimated instrument with respect to its various applications. In industries where personal selling is the most important or one of the most important marketing mix variables, MSR...

Catalogue: Seminar 1991: Travel And Tourism Transition
Authors: Eric Sondervan, Ad Schalekamp
Company: NIPO
June 15, 1991

Research papers

Both sides of the coin

The number of women with a paid job in the Netherlands is growing rapidly. Of course, having a job has implications on the amount of money, time and contacts one has. But the list of topics that are affected is much larger.To study what implications...

Catalogue: Seminar 1991: The Growing Individualisation Of Consumer Lifestyles And Demand
Authors: Barbara Prassek, Judith E. J. Bloks
Company: NIPO
June 15, 1991

Research papers

Nipo's brand monitor and how advertising works

In this paper we go into the relations between Quality of Advertising, Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality and finally Brand Loyalty, on the basis of the large number of studies we did in this field. Our empirical evidence shows that advertising can...

Catalogue: Seminar 1991: How Advertising Works And How Promotions Work
Authors: Leo van Doorn, Jan Stapel
Company: NIPO
June 15, 1991