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Virtual Frontiers

?The metaverse is here, and it?s not only transforming how we see the world but how we participate in it ? from the factory floor to the meeting room.?Satya Nadella, Chief Executive Officer of MicrosoftThis paper outlines learnings from our...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Rupert Sinclair, Faye Soares, Katrin Scheibert
Companies: Dow Jones, Kadence International
September 27, 2023


Business hierarchy of needs

A large part of B2B research aims to explore, understand and anticipate business motivations. Abraham Maslow proposed a ‘hierarchy of needs’ to explain human motivation. Is there an equivalent hierarchy for business?? The prime motivation...

Catalogue: B2B Forum 2014: Leading-Edge Research For B2B Marketing Excellence
Author: Owen Jenkins
Company: Kadence International
June 15, 2014


Hijabin Indonesian women & beauty

Hijab adoption was on the rise in Indonesia with several women (across age groups) dawning the veil. With this change in dynamics, it was important understand if there was a need for PT L'Oreal to alter the brand portfolio or communicate differently....

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2014: Celebrating Asian Creativity
Authors: Aldo Fajar, Deepak Bengani
Company: Kadence International
June 15, 2014


Beyond dollars and dirhams

Naata – The Bond"‘I don’t have a single American friend. I don’t understand them’ - Tamerlan Tsarnaev, suspect of the Boston Marathon Bombs on April 15, 2013. While these statements, along with his YouTube links splashed all...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Author: Nandita Mary Thomas
Company: Kadence International
June 15, 2013