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Research papers

Characteristics of a successful retailer

This lecture is about successful retailers, we can also speak of lesser successful retailers. GfK has chosen to research diverse structures in the electrical retail trade to make a difference between successful and less successful valid. The best...

Catalogue: Seminar 1989: Adding Value To Retail Offerings
Author: Bert Groot-Enzerink
Company: GfK
June 15, 1989

Research papers

Home shopping in the United States

Shopping in the past 150 years has moved from the town square to main street to the mall and, now, to television and computers. Unlike earlier forms of shopping at home (catalogs, direct mail)j today the process is interactive and almost...

Catalogue: Seminar 1989: Adding Value To Retail Offerings
Author: Helen Katz
June 15, 1989

Research papers

In-store movement and purchasing

This work has proved very successful as it has provided retailers with a technique for assessing the functionality of their stores as selling machines. The technique has two main areas of application. Merchandising performance can be effectively...

Catalogue: Seminar 1989: Adding Value To Retail Offerings
Authors: S. J. Thornton, M. J. McCullagh, R. P. Bradshaw
June 15, 1989

Research papers

Telematics and retail trade

This study is focussed on the consequences of these so-called tele-information services for the structure and the developments in the distribution of consumer goods in the nineties. The study was based on literature-research and a lot of...

Catalogue: Seminar 1989: Adding Value To Retail Offerings
Author: Jan G. A. M. de Jong
June 15, 1989

Research papers

The international approach of Laura Ashley

The major objective of this paper is to provide an indication as to the manner in which an internationally successful brand retailer views its approach to the expansion of its image and trading base in the international market place. The Laura Ashley...

Catalogue: Seminar 1989: Adding Value To Retail Offerings
Author: Mark L. Bunce
June 15, 1989

Research papers

Brand building

This paper aims to demonstrate that the retailer as a brand is more than just the sum of a number of disparate parts and that it has a role to play in shaping the retailers’ strategy not just impacting upon it. When a retailer has a strong brand...

Catalogue: Seminar 1989: Adding Value To Retail Offerings
Author: Colleen Ryan
June 15, 1989

Research papers

From number of sales to market share

Grocery chain supermarkets, are subject to local conditions which may greatly influence their performance. The marketing function has the responsiblity for investigating the current conditions and the potential for each store. The companies...

Catalogue: Seminar 1989: Adding Value To Retail Offerings
Authors: Franco Cloni, Massimo Milleri
June 15, 1989

Research papers

A data bank about the functioning of one urban area commercial appliance (French)

This document explains the installation of a data bank about the functionning of a commercial appliance in an urban area . which is done from a survey concerning the buying behaviour of the households. This was realized for the first time in 1973 for...

Catalogue: Seminar 1989: Adding Value To Retail Offerings
Author: Michel Watel
June 15, 1989

Research papers

A new approach to the photo-finishing market

A French leader in the retail distribution of upscale photographic equipment retained the MAC Group to help his organization in identifying and implementing a marketing strategy in photo-finishing. Although our client had a strong market share and...

Catalogue: Seminar 1989: Adding Value To Retail Offerings
Author: Jean-Francis Harris
June 15, 1989