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Research papers

Making Your Brand Culturally Iconic

The Dig Insights team were able to help La-Z-Boy position the brand to be one that restores body and soul, leaning into the concept of celebrating laziness; ultimately, reminding people to create moments that they want to keep living in. The end...

Catalogue: North America 2024 - Innovation
Authors: Jorge Calvachi, Patricia King
Companies: La-Z-Boy, Dig Insights
July 5, 2024

Research papers

The Value Equation: How Can Behavioural Science Increase Brand Value?

In this paper, you will learn how rediscovering the essence of why shoppers buy your category and how they choose brands is at the heart of winning shopper trade-offs. We will share a thought process using a value equation model to boost brand value:...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2023 - Innovation
Authors: Richard Bordenave, Divya Radhakrishnan, Sophie Mahe, Ted Uloft
November 22, 2023


Becoming a World's First! Making Carbon Neutrality a Reality

Maple Leaf Foods (MLF), Canada?s largest prepared meats and poultry producer, is on a mission to be the mostsustainable protein company on Earth; but how should they communicate this? What messages and claimswould be relevant and believable to...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
September 23, 2022


Sounds with Soul

In its visceral form, the purpose of advertising is to raise awareness of a brand or product and to achievesales. But brands are not created to be flavours of a season. Strong brands outlive generations bycontinuously evolving and remaining relevant....

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
September 23, 2022

Research papers

Becoming a World's First! Making Carbon Neutrality a Reality

Maple Leaf Foods (MLF), Canada?s largest prepared meats and poultry producer, is on a mission to be the mostsustainable protein company on Earth; but how should they communicate this? What messages and claimswould be relevant and believable to...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Authors: Amy Knowles, Darlene Macdonald
Companies: RESEARCH STRATEGY GROUP Inc, Maple Leaf Foods
September 23, 2022

Research papers

Sounds with Soul

In its visceral form, the purpose of advertising is to raise awareness of a brand or product and to achievesales. But brands are not created to be flavours of a season. Strong brands outlive generations bycontinuously evolving and remaining relevant....

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Author: Ritanbara Mundrey
Company: Nestle
September 23, 2022


Lemon- Why the advertising brain has gone sour

Ed Harrison, of System1 Research, the company behind the acclaimed, best-selling IPA publication, Lemon (2019), describes a change in advertising style that has occurred over the last 15 years and links this to falling advertising effectiveness.Ed...

Catalogue: Insights Festival 2020
Author: Ed Harrison
September 16, 2020

Research papers

Adopting an entrepreneur

How Coca-Cola Japan partnered with a tech start-up to co-create an offering appropriate for their market. By addressing issues around time and efficiencies they achieved win-win outcomes. According to the Japanese Market Research Association, in 2013...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Smart Data Lab
Authors: Hisae Endo, Makoto Moriguchi, Roxan Toll
November 4, 2019

Research papers

Adopting an entrepreneur

How Coca-Cola Japan partnered with a tech start-up to co-create an offering appropriate for their market. By addressing issues around time and efficiencies they achieved win-win outcomes. According to the Japanese Market Research Association, in 2013...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Hisae Endo, Makoto Moriguchi, Roxan Toll
Company: ZappiStore
August 24, 2017